Thursday, August 15, 2024

Postmenopausal Females and Normal Things


You know, not having kids myself, I am pretty much free from the idea I'll be helping raise grandchildren after menopause. I was pretty much planning on working into my 60's same as I do now. I'll stay active regarding politics. Write a little poetry.

Maybe finally get that cat. They are cuter than most mousetraps.  

I'm pretty sure I will also care about regular things--groceries and the like. The sorts of things suburban women are supposed to care about, as opposed to being concerned about reproductive rights. 

Except that it is normal to be concerned about not wanting to bleed out in an ER parking lot because doctors are afraid to treat your miscarriage, having lawyers determine how close to death you need to be, or how maimed, before a dangerous pregnancy is ended. It is normal to be appalled at the drawn-out traumatic grieving process of a woman being forced to carry a dying child to term so that it can be born only to horribly suffer and die. It is very normal to not want women to carry their rapists' babies--especially not little girls. 

And it is normal to understand it does not matter whether the state or the federal government is denying you your rights, when they are still being denied. It would be normal for a male politician to recognize that women are people, and our concerns shouldn't be dismissed because we are multifaceted. We have many interests, skills and concerns. 

But JD Vance is very, very weird. 

(And also, apparently, not a terribly great business mind or the likely savior of the white working class. I haven't figured out what his skillset is great for. Fooling dopey billionaires into thinking he has a great skillset, I guess.)

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Minus the Southern patois that sounds like Senator John Kennedy as rendered by bad AI, Donald Trump talking about groceries sounds like Jerr...