Friday, August 16, 2024

TWGB: The Bedminster Bore


Not that long ago, I watched some right-wing commentator on Bill Maher's show try to say that Trump was NOT a "country club Republican", and for some reason, no one told her that Trump owns the fucking country clubs. (Was it Batya Ungar-Sargon? I can't find the clip but it's hardly worth my time to keep looking for it.) He owns the country clubs. He is not a working-class hero. He stiffs working people whenever he can. 

He just sat down with fellow billionaire Elon Musk and talked about how unions were bad because working people would be paid more if they were unionized. And today, he stood in front of his country club in New Jersey with some prop groceries about Hillary Clinton's emails and calling Kamala Harris a communist. Because how long can someone talk about the economy when he's only talking about it to get elected?  He lied, as per usual, because it's what he does. 

It was a dumb snooze version of his stump speech that he fooled certain chosen journalists into turning up for. Low energy. Lower-case "t" Trump. 

This dumb man stood there and said, not for the first time, that migrants got more than 100% of the jobs created during the Biden Administration. How does that work? This is the Great Replacement Theory as told by an idiot, full of unsoundness and ginned-up fury, signifying fear of the other because he offers nothing else. 

I don't even know how to get upset by that. It's so small and factually wrong and stupid. It's not a gutshot but a mosquito bite for me--it's just the kind of lie he uses to justify concentration camps for migrants later, is all. The banality of evil in the person of a shoe/Bible/swag salesman who the news covers as if he wasn't a person many times discredited, over and over again, by his own words and deeds but as a legitimate political candidate who will take honest questions honestly at a """press conference"""" at his property with chosen mild-mannered reporters. 

Small, ridiculous and boring, on certain news channels he warned about a 1929-like crash while the news crawl below him showed record stock market performance and inflation back below 3%. 

None of that was so appalling--you know what was? I mean, to me? This, later, at the same property: 

He gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh and Art Laffer. Heroes get the Medal of Honor. They may have been physically broken or killed because of their heroism, but they earned it through courage, loyalty and faith in this country. You can easily believe, hearing that, that this is the man who saw our war dead as losers. This was the attitude of the man whose personal Viet Nam was loose women and who talked about the Purple Heart like it was a vending machine prize. 

This is the guy whose former Marine running mate says is the embodiment of "Semper Fidelis" while he attacks Tim Walz's service. Trump--a guy who is loyal to nothing but his own ego and appetites. 

These people are boring and shitty and desperate-smelling weirdos. I can't think of a reason to ever want to see more of this horror show, let alone let it run our country. Harris and Walz show respect for the things that deserve it and are a fresh breath of honest air in comparison. 

On the other hand, as a pure political calculation, Trump could perform like this every day until the mainstream media figure out what he is because YIKES--this guy is not all there and the event horizon of this leadership vacuum is horrific to contemplate. 

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Minus the Southern patois that sounds like Senator John Kennedy as rendered by bad AI, Donald Trump talking about groceries sounds like Jerr...