Friday, July 26, 2024

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Debate


In a statement that was positively BOLD in its chicken-shittedness (it's a word now--I have the best words!) the Trump campaign tried to back out of debated presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris because former President Barack Obama had not endorsed her yet. And, they wanted to imply, was not going to. Because obviously, Donald Trump is the foremost Democratic Party understander. 

So you will never guess what happened next. Go on. (OK, you probably already know.):

Any surprises, there?

Note--he and Michelle Obama called her days ago. This was always going to happen. 

Now I am very curious--did anyone in Trump's campaign somehow not see the Barack Obama endorsement coming, in the way they also seemed a bit flat-footed if not totally bone-spurred by how quickly so much of the Democratic Party got together on her candidacy? 

Or was this statement supposed to be just a temporary bandage, if you will, signifying blame on Democrats for the narcissistic wound Trump is likely experiencing in advance, superficial to the eye, but a pain he feels deeply?

Things are changing so rapidly; one can hardly tell. I do know that Kamala Harris' campaign continues to break the internet and fundraising records. 

I guess I could go on to discuss Trump's other killer political instincts regarding this election and his obviously brilliant running mate choice of JD Vance, but it would unfortunately be too couched in inappropriate humor right now, and because I am nice, I think I'd like to cushion that blow. 

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