Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Inflection Point

The presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden in one term has given so much to this country, and the simple message of this speech, that the idea of America is bigger than any one man's ambition, is the simple reason why. This man loves his country and believes in us as a people because of what we can be. This speech shows a faith in us, in "We, the People", that is touching and heartfelt. 

This faith in our future and admiration for our best values as a creedal nation are what we need going forward--there can be no turning back. Biden understands that that future doesn't depend on himself alone, but on all of us.

I also know who doesn't understand that and rejected it when presented with that choice--even with violence.  

I am even more determined to support Kamala Harris because we cannot go back. We cannot go back.

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