Thursday, December 19, 2024

Lab-Created Bullshit

Some western observers don't quite understand why General Igor Kirillov was a legitimate military target (see: what is a "general"?)  or understand that lying war criminals are actually bad. Kirillov was behind the dumb propaganda that there were US/Ukrainian biolabs about to threaten the RU/UKR border. I always thought this was a little bit of a backhand at the US for claiming mobile biolabs in Iraq before 2003. But it is totally not the case and never was. And the fuckers who play games with the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant have no business talking up Ukrainian "dirty" nuclear bomb threats anyway.

Which brings me to Elon Musk, incoming US president in fact if not in name, who is goofing with a government shutdown even before his old-age addled proxy is sworn in, threatening the GOP Speaker (presumptive) of the next Congress and also lying his dumb goofy pale face off. He says this on his dumb loss-leader propaganda site:

Remember me just recently pointing out Liz Churchill to you? Well, this is her, boosting hypnotically cult-like speaking pro RU and pro-Assad Trump DNI hopeful Tulsi Gabbard:

See a trend? Tucker Carlson, Benny Johnson, other people who have taken Russian rubles: pro-Tulsi Gabbard, pro-biolabs. I don't know for sure if Chaya whatsherface the Libs of TikTok heifer is a ruble-sucker, but her hysteria has been hand in glove with Mike Flynn's flying monkeys. Elon Musk is promoting Tucker interviewing Jeffrey Sachs, and Tucker doesn't know why we have a problem with war criminal Assad, his prisons, torture chambers, use of chemical weapons and mass graves with tens of thousands. 

These dickheads conflate labs with "biowarfare" because they promoted the Wuhan lab leak and all that--when labs are also where remedies and vaccines are developed. The propagandists are softening up the populace for a "plandemic" post Trump inauguration to soften us up for accepting Trump failing another public health crisis, the way he fucked up Covid-19. (Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr are adjacent to the disinfo on that back covering up the first Trump Admin. 

Know what? Anti vaxx itself is boosted as a Rusiian op. It's been since before Covid. Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK. Jr. are either the dumbest people alive or knowing propaganda mules.  We are being horrifyingly played by badly dishonest people repping actual monsters. 

We should absolutely spread far and wide the ruse, the absolute sham they are promoting to undermine our public health and national security. 

This is unconscionable. 


Vixen Strangely said...

I noticed--Liz 7 vs Liz 10. I think she violated the social media game in some
way and respawns like in a video game, but I have not got the spoons for this quest.

Ali Redford said...

Shared at Scotties Playtime.

bruce.desertrat said...

"Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK. Jr. are either the dumbest people alive or knowing propaganda mules. "

¿por que no los dos?

Went Over Like a Lead Turd

  You know, taking your weird-ass conspiracy-theorist Pizzagate asshole friend along with you on serious European business all by itself is ...