Monday, September 23, 2024

Taxation Without Representation and Mad King Don


Mad King Don is pretty sure this would constitute an official act and he would get away with it. Sure, it raises prices (he knows it would "punish" John Deere if he put a heavy tariff on their products, so he understands the mechanism when he wants to).

But keep in mind that this is the same person who says that the stock market is up because people are anticipating he will win, when his own stock, $DJT is plummeting, and even its CEO, Devin Nunes, is selling. Something seems pretty sketchy with that reasoning. 

The Trump solution is here, though-- never fear: because something something crypto, something something also a commemorative coin. And the hem of his garment, which possibly cures scrofula

Have you even ever met someone with scrofula? You don't know!

And long story short, he will eventually use crypto to pay off the national debt, because there's more than one way to skin a flint, or mint the big coin, or amuse the rubes. 

Yep-license to print money without the Fed. Very stable. Very genius. Very demure Let's do a few rounds of devaluing currency and inflationary tariffs for no good reason. This will protect the economy at a rate the world has never seen!

Trump has always been a bit batshit, but have you listened to him lately? He's like some drink-maddened carnival barker whose circus is leaving him behind. The carousel is broken and the sideshow geeks are getting mean. 

UPDATE: Don't get me started on deportation. The infrastructure of the proposal will be cruel and expensive--and it's grim and dehumanizing, to be sure. It's also kind of economically stupid as fuck. Did you know we can;t breed our way out of our labor/old age problems? Because we can't. 

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