Wednesday, September 25, 2024

TWGB: Blame America First


It gets worse from here--Trump literally extolls the participation of Soviet Russia in WWII because he was (supposedly) talking to some rando, and literally does not know any better than to think maybe Russia wins all the wars. They lost the Crimean War, they lost in Afghanistan, they lost against Japan. Russia looks bigger and better than they actually are and project strength because of paranoia. Trump doesn't know anything (a hallmark of conspiracy theorists) and so falls for anything that sounds like a fact. I wonder if he got his "news" from Tucker Carlson hosting a Holocaust denier, who happens to call Churchill the villain of WWII. 

Trump thinks the White House is a dump and our cities are hellholes that have been beset by immigrant invasions and set alight by protestors. He lives in a Fox News cocoon of unreality. When he talks about anything--anything at all, I hear nothing but "negging"--the trick of a "pick up artist" to bad mouth a woman so she sees him as a viable choice because her self-esteem is challenged. 

He bad-mouths the USA to make us interested, but because he's a fucking loser--I'm not. He's just an uninteresting old bitch complaining at the end of a long, undeservedly nice life for a career criminal. Everything I know about history makes me shudder to think anyone thinks this useful idiot is a good choice for president. 

But when he fondles my flag and makes apologies for Putin, he can step off a cliff. 

He was able to try and interrupt military aid to Ukraine because Ukraine was already being invaded while he was president. I don't know how he missed that. Maybe he wasn't the most "present" president we ever had, what with his golfing and tweeting and preparing for his next election and all. But you think he might remember---

Or maybe this is just not a guy who ever will get history if it isn't about himself. It's easy for him to think the country won't exist if he isn't president because all he knows is how to think about himself as the guy--the history guy. The maybe dictator guy if he's "all that" and he thinks he is.

What is the actual recorded history of the 20th century compared to this dumb ass failed casino owner's overweening self bias? 

And if the US doesn't figure out how to give him his propers, well. That's America's fault, too, and they deserve the maelstrom. A possible future 1/6 on steroids. 

So when we talk about serial numbers or raids or detention camps or any of the things Trump is talking about doing that recapitulates Hitler, don't get it twisted that Trump doesn't understand why these things are wrong. They are--he just does not believe that a nation has a responsibility to do or be good. "Great" and "good" in his world are different things, and he has decided great evil is better than the tepid mercy we call "good". 

I would prefer the benefit of the doubt, the arc of history bending towards justice, the audacity of hope, the joy of freedom, the pursuit of happiness, the simple gift of walking unencumbered in a world that isn't mad and not warring about things that are not public, but private matters. 

Trump wants us at each others' throats and hating ourselves and feeling some sense of failure if he isn't IN CHARGE. He, the twice-impeached one-term wonder, is the failure. He, the US-hater, is the failure He, who saw leading America as his right and not his vast underserved privilege. 

Patriotism is knowing our country is better than him. Anything would be. 

And if we believe in US sovereignty and the unique good that is a democratic republic, we must support Ukraine. 

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Trump's Ukraine/Russia Delusions Do Not Go Unnoticed

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