Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Taking the Measure of a Man


On the second night of the DNC, something happened that to me, was entirely hilarious. Of course, Chicago was rocking because the rollcall affirmed our candidate, and who isn't turned up for the Obamas? But at the exact same time, VP Harris and Governor Walz filled the house in Milwaukee at the same venue the RNC occupied. Who the hell can cast that much shade at night?

Stars do.

I noted in the comments of an earlier post that Trump was going to speak on crime at Howell, MI, a town associated with the Klan, and it happened, and it was dull, and Trump was Trump. He lied a lot, but listlessly. He wonders why suburban women don't want him, a sex pest associated with other sex pests, a serial philanderer, a shitty role model for boys, a misogynist, and a person who does not respect women's rights over our own bodies or lives. It really makes you wonder what funhouse mirror view of himself he's always had. 

And then at the DNC, he got called out in a standup funeral. Sure, Democrats and a few Republicans were there to talk about why Kamala Harris and why now, and what needs to be preserved for our future of this great democratic experiment. 

It was uplifting and magnificent and of course I was teary-eyed and in the front pew of the church of what's happening now. It's a beautiful thing to see people come together to build a better future. I love it, and I love it for us. 

But you know what?  I stay petty. 

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who knows quite a lot about physical courage, called Trump a draft-dodger. Gov. J.B. Pritzker referenced his own wealth and pointed out that Trump is rich in stupidity. Our eminently eloquent former First Lady Michelle Obama destroyed Trump by referring to his benefit from the "affirmative action of generational wealth." (She went high--to where Trump thinks he is, because no one knows exactly how low Trump really is.) 

And former President Obama, in a simple gesture reminiscent of the WHCD when Trump the birther, the conspiracy theorist, was first roasted by him, juuuuust referenced Trump's obsession with crowd size. In a way no human alive could mistake. 

How small, is all. And of course it references Trump's world where he and only he matters, his complaints and grievances and desires, against his inability to contemplate the entire world around him and even the simplest first thing a world leader should need to know. Trump cares about his audience, his sense of political POTENCY; but not what he should actually do for others (outside of "deals"), because he can't fathom anything but his own ego. 

Of course he was referencing that. Sure. Trump is still big, it's just the crowds that are small. Ready for another horrific close-up. 

(Some of Trump's minions have wondered why Democrats don't reference what happened in Butler. I don't know why. I'm pretty sure thoughts and prayers were offered--if good enough for a school shooting? I'm not sure I see the problem. I do note a pronoun issue with respect to Matthew Crooks, who to my knowledge is not either a NB person, a conjoined twin nor a person who took shots with a mouse in his pocket. I don't think Trump's fans don't know how much Democrats want Trump alive, though. We seriously do. To face legal accountability, of course. and to be publicly humiliated. Really as often as we can.)

1 comment:

Richard said...

I'll just be glad when he is finally gone. It has been a nightmare. I still want to see him in jail, but that won't happen. It will be enough for me, if we the people can send him back to Mar-a-Lago, or Hell. Whichever comes first.


Minus the Southern patois that sounds like Senator John Kennedy as rendered by bad AI, Donald Trump talking about groceries sounds like Jerr...