Tuesday, July 23, 2024

JD Vance is a Weird Little Guy

Every time I hear this "childless cat lady"  thing, I really kind of want a nun to rap his knuckles. I get that Vance is a selfish dude who might only care about people in one's own family (if then!) but for many of us, we can care about many people, and even derive joy from the happiness of others.

 It's the image of Vance as the busybody looking with distaste at the neighbors: "Why don't I hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet?" (As he once looked at the poor white folks during his youth and deplored their indiscriminate breeding.) 

None of his weird little busybody business. Women are not ambulatory baby factories. And yes, stepchildren count as parenting. 

But it's where he gets his weird little guy ideas that should bother us--from some dark weirdos. And  some straight up racists. (The internet notes he recently stopped following Steve Sailer. On Twitter, anyway.)

So the problems with JD Vance aren't JUST that he's kind of a stiff:

Employing a little joke to try and insulate himself from claims of racism in a weird little guy way. It's that he ideologically seems to pal around with the kind of people who watch The Matrix and think: "We could totally build one of those." That sees people as human capital and social roles as nearly caste-like--except for genius boys who escape the barrel-crabs but then pull up the ladder behind them.

I dunno. I  don't like the guy.


Ten Bears said...

The repubs should take a page from history and do the right thing: demand the oldest, most cognitively impaired presidential candidate in history step aside, endorse his VP

Frank Wilhoit said...

The "childless" thing only makes sense if the game is to replay World War I.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Will white women continue to vote for a group of weirdos who hate them, view their worth entirely based upon the number of white babies they’ve produced?

Dan Kleiner said...

i mean, how fucking stupid is the idea that people without children aren't invested in the future?

like, are they alive ten minutes from now? tomorrow? next tuesday? that's the future.

goddamn these fucking fascists are so fucking stupid it hurts.

Dan Kleiner said...
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Dan Kleiner said...


frank, something like this?

"the children of england would never be slaves,
they're trapped on the wire and dying in waves.
the flower of england face down in the mud
and stained in the blood of a whole generation..."

Vixen Strangely said...

All I know is, the people who think you need to have kids to be invested in the future are people I wouldn't trust with cats. The idea that women must produce young for some reason (labor, armies, livestock?) in a world where people themselves aren't valued is madness. The Republican party looks like a $1000 loafer stepping on a woman's pelvis forever.

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