Tuesday, December 6, 2022

This is a Victory Today.


I am so pleased that the good people of Georgia saw their way through and voted for a good man over whatever Herschel Walker is. You have a good senator and escaped a whole strata of nonsense. It's a triumph of competence over heavy partisan promotion.

UPDATE: Here's a pretty good recap of the 2022 Georgia Senate race, but I do have a bone to pick:

Mr. Walker’s loss will almost certainly lead to soul-searching for a Republican Party that must decide heading into the 2024 election how firmly to tether itself to a former president who has now absorbed powerful political blows in three successive campaign cycles. 

"Almost certain"?  You would think so, you really would, but counterpoint, even if they do, how honest is the party willing to be about their messaging and their appetite for "Celebrity Apprentice" candidates like Walker and Dr. Oz? 

In other things the GOP should re-think: prioritize getting people to vote over complaining about voter fraud. (After all--where has election-denial gotten them?)

As for Democrats--the takeaway should be to run as Democrats and form coalitions of voters who are motivated by the promise of good government and dedication. But Warnock's still-close win feels like it is in many ways more attributable to an impossibly awful Republican candidate in a state which, even with two Democratic senators, is still so red.  

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

When you factor Manchin/Sinema into the equation ...

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...