Friday, October 28, 2022

Sometimes Mules Kick

After the trouble that Regnery went to to try and sue-proof Dinesh D'Souza's stupid Trump-fluffing conspiracy-wank over the 2020 elections, it turns out that he is going to get sued for the stupidity of naming names in his dumb movie. There's a lot of fraud to confront in the old conservative movement (slaps hood of conservative movement-mobile); you can fit so much malign intent in here. I kind of figured this might happen.

D'Souza is operating in an alternative fact reality disconnected from the idea that "the libs" that he means to own are actual people with agency, livelihoods, families, etc. He struggles to be a relevant meme-producer now that actual relevance (having peaked in his youth as a Reagan employee forty years ago) has mostly passed him by, and he dropped all credibility in the Obama years when a POC of color in office broke his brain and he thought he had to defend colonialism. 

It has to hurt when your grip on utility is owning libs and you don't even have the credit to rent libs by the day. When your multiple Twitter threads always cast doubt on your anti-socialist bona fides with the caveat that you enjoy being publicly owned. Does it hurt to be a formerly philandering felon falling while fellating Trump by fomenting fraudulence for funds, also feloniously? 

I myself could not say, because I could never imagine trying to pin a case of voter fraud on people who cast mail-in ballots at a box near to them because they just happened to be near that site when it was probably near a school or strip mall or other place they regularly habituated because it was in their neighborhood and they live and shop and do errands and take their kids places around there. That people are generally around and about a spot they live near isn't a case of fraud. It's how living in a neighborhood works. The cell phone geolocation thing is dumb and bad and D'Souza should feel bad.

But he won't until he is sued for a lot of money, and I hope other people join in, because, hey--this is America. And while I don't think the defamation suit will fix the little red wagons of the people who believe the Big Lie about voter fraud (any more than a suit against True the Vote and the obvious federal case needed there would), maybe it would discourage the next Big Liar. 

And sometime that much itself feels like a win. 

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