Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Supremacist Who Worked for FL GOP (UPDATED)


In a story I want to highlight for obvious reasons--Lil Marco Rubio took a break from posting on Twitter as a Vacation Bible Camp fortune cookie and told us that one of his campaign canvassers was put into the hospital for just being a Republican, which is a horrific thing to be happening in Hiahleah, Florida

It quickly turned out that the young man in question had a long history of being associated with hate groups and had been paid by the GOP in FL for a while, apparently without them noticing or caring he was a part of the Unite the Right Rally or had been arrested previously for jabbing a Confederate flag at people.  

The first assailant who had been caught is probably not even political. A second man has been arrested, but nothing there reinforces Rubio's Republican persecution story, either. 

So, I guess what I want to know is, did Rubio point out that a person associated with Charlottesville and was a known right-wing provocateur in all innocence of who he actually was in the hope that people would honestly consider Republicans to be martyrs facing an underdog battle in (consults notes) Hiahleah, Fl, against militant liberal antifa hordes just roughing up innocent canvassers left and right, or was he trying to get in front of the story that RW/Proud Boys, etc. type guys were now a regular part of the GOP political scene by spraying the sanctity of a martyrdom beatdown all over him? 

I guess the answer would probably be more for my amusement in finding out whether Rubio is a hapless bumblefuck who accidently revealed white supremacists were working for the party in Florida, vs. whether he knew very well and wanted to cover it up. Either way--Marco Rubio is caught being a very small man in the very big seat of Senator, and it entirely shows. 

Marco Rubio ran for the presidency in 2016 because he was bored with being a Senator. He went back to that 2016 race because Trump chased him out of the presidential race, but I don't think he still gives a shit about being a senator--he just doesn't want a straight job elsewhere.

It would probably teach him things about not being a goddamn liar covering up for how his party is made up of people who are shit stirring thugs and fascist-apologists. But maybe he would rather not learn. He's appearing at a rally with Trump in just a minute or so--and no, Ron DeSantis, future Trump opponent, is not supposed to be attending. 

I don't understand Florida politics, but I find all of this fascinating. 

UPDATE: I think I would call him a Culture Rebel Without A Clue. if even that didn't sound cool in comparison to what it really is--neo-fascist apologism. 

UPDATE: The same day that Paul Pelosi was attacked with a hammer, this was Senator Rubio:

There were Proud Boys guarding his hospital room and they are now rallying around this event because Rubio invited them in. Rubio is giving them license to stand back and stand by. They are blaming Democrats, echoing what Rubio is saying. Is it clear that this is what happened? Does it matter? Rubio is a US Senator saying this. People will grant him credibility because of who he is, even if he is misusing his credibility.  But I judge him sincerely for the company he is now comfortable in keeping. 

He should know this kind of invite to street violence by pretending to oppose it has a history. Rubio is not so dim as to be unaware. 

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

The White Supremacist who's not White?

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