Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Dr. Oz Didn't Stumble When He Said This


I personally do not think my uterus is any place for a city council meeting, thanks! This wasn't a case of being inarticulate, this candidate is not in any way impaired, but he said this. Out loud where we all could hear.

Local political leaders, Dr. Oz says, belong in your personal business. Playing chicken with the reaper, with your mental or physical health on the line, with your future fertility and economic security on the line, your ability to take care of the children you may already have on the line, having a debate about something as personal to you as your own body and its future. Grandstanding for political points over your well-being. Appealing to local church leaders for future political support over your well-being. Appealing to right-wing donors, or even basic misogyny, over your well-being.

Conservatives are fine telling us we need less government control, less regulation, and more personal liberty, right up and until "small government" fits inside a doctor's office and gathers around the life of a pregnant person. 

Why did Dr. Oz say this when as a physician, he should understand the various complications of pregnancy that can present and at least be aware of how personal this decision is? Well, I just said: grandstanding for political points, appealing to church leaders, appealing to right-wing donors. Who knows what this man does or does not believe? He has long been willing to sell authenticity like a product. 

I know what I believe: regardless of whether John Fetterman's stroke-induced auditory dyslexia impairs his ability to fluently thrust and parry in a debate in a way that satisfies punters who view it like professional wrestling, at least the man is consistent in supporting the patient's right to choose. And nonetheless, while Dr. Oz remained an unprofessional hack in slighting the performance of a man on the road to recovery from a serious health event--Fetterman nonetheless skewered the carpet-bagger from New Jersey who, as Fetterman deftly suggested, should run in Vermont if he wants to run against Bernie Sanders--was that fluent enough for the naysayers?  Fetterman also, in nonvegetable-like fashion (sorry haters) made the quite correct point that if Dr. Oz is on tv, he's always lying. 

I'm sorry if his recovery isn't pretty enough for some of the watchers yet--but being not fully articulate does not negate what a person's intentions, goals, and capabilities truly are--and the man himself is the same man who worked to make a rust belt town thrive and will dedicate himself to the needs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as its senator, just as he has as Lt. Governor. He's not a talk show celebrity, but has been here, and has put in work. 

I still say the people who want to find him lacking are on a hunt for weakness and will see it even while overlooking his overt strengths.  This infuriates me on behalf of anyone who has ever struggled and had the fact of that struggle count against them to the point of ignoring the quality of what was actually done or said by them. 

Oz is an ambitious, opportunistic naif in the arena. Fetterman, despite his limitation in one area for this debate, is still the man with the depth and understanding to do this job. And he had the courage to show up despite his limitations, because it was important to do so. His awkwardness is nothing compared to the unforced error Oz showed above. I do not understand people who wouldn't see the difference, unless they were already persuaded by partisanship. 

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