Friday, September 9, 2022

It's Just Top to Bottom Fraud


There's something about the entire right wing that I wish the solid, earnest folks who support it with their donations knew--it's a goddamn scheme. Take Donald Trump's post-presidency fund-raising vehicle--Save America PAC. It's currently under investigation because of course it should be--Trump is saving American from what, now? He promoted dangerous lies about voter fraud and teases he's fixing to do something about it, but there wasn't any voter fraud and there isn't anything he wants to do more than have money is his legal fund to defend against his sedition (planned insurrection) and I guess also his treasonous (why does he have these top secret documents?) activities. 

Trump raised a lot of money under "Save America" but nothing went to voter fraud litigation because there was no provable voter fraud to litigate. So like, how do I know there's none?

Take the recall of Dinesh D'Souza's dumb book, 2,000 Mules, as an example of the problem.  It's a grift.  You see the movie, you buy the book, you paid to believe in the thing. But there's a problem--the book is recalled and I already know from the movie why--he didn't name groups he thought were responsible for the imaginary "mules" he posits based on cell phone data of people revisiting city blocks that happen to be in their own neighborhoods (which is just extra dumb) in the movie, but he decided to go ahead and do that in his book, because why not?

The reason why not is legal liability, And while his publisher might not care so much about factual accuracy over propaganda, they by golly goodness understand legal liability, Because this is something Dominion is telling us about the power of Fox News and them.  Sometimes making up stuff has a price. Pirro's price was, wait, I am hearing she got more air time. Sigh. I would love to believe this makes Fox very screwn, because yes, they selectively lied about Dominion because it served a voter fraud narrative in favor of Trump for an election he lost. They did defame the makers of the voting machines--but they also perpetrated a fraud on their viewers by telling them stupid lies that made them believe Trump didn't lose, and encouraged them to either go on down to the Capitol and have a brush with the law, or give money to overturn an iron-clad election that no amount of money was going to "fix". 

Now, D'Souza's movie and book were based on the work of a group called "True the Vote" and wouldn't you know it? They are also a scam.  Like Save America, they aren't doing a thing to protect the vote or prosecute for fairer elections. Nope. It's a money grab. 

Now, I get that the perpetrators will get right on down with their bad selves and tell you criticism is politically motivated, just like rebel without a washcloth Steve Bannon has over being indicted for his We Build the Wall fraud. 

It's all a money suck. Look at any part of it. Anti-LGBT groups taking money to legally fail to mind their own business to persecute people who are bothering no one who understands normal personal boundaries. NRA trying to make bank on the specter of gun grabbing that just isn't happening. Charlie Kirk literally makes six figures for being a smooth brain who didn't finish college and is willing to have bad opinions in public. So here are some people who are definitely not from Griftworld breaking this shit down for the punters.:

I know, right!  But here's the sad thing--sunk cost fallacy. People who bought into the entire voter fraud mishigas are probably not going to be swayed by being told they are suckers and marks, because they are so invested. There are people who still love Trump because they think the dozen MAGA hats they bought are coming back in style. How do you back down from putting a "Let's go Brandon" flag on your front lawn? 

I'm just a blogger and their finally not being suckers isn't my problem, it's theirs. But it is what is looks like to me. A total top to bottom fraud. 


Steven Holt said...

Sadly, while they are a complete fraud, True the Vote is highly active and somewhat effective in the area of voter intimidation and suppression. They deploy large numbers of volunteer poll intimidators and disrupters.

Vixen Strangely said...

It's always astonishing to me that the right wing can come for good groups like ACORN and on the left we can't figure out how to demolish an obvious bad actor like True the Vote (okay it isn't that astonishing, the answer is money--they have it, and it would take some effort to drag these voter intimidation vampires into the sunlight).

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