Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Reality Could Be a Problem For Mike Flynn


Flynn's restraining order against Pelosi and the 1/6 Committee against checking his phone records sounds about right because his phone history sure has hung him up before, but I think admitting that "goddamn it, don't check into me because I'm fucked if you do" is going to fly in court any more than Trump's similar kind of claim does. Sure, you can invoke the fifth at the time of testifying as opposed to running your face, but I don't see how your circumstantial evidence should be protected. Once again, it overreaches reasonable protection to kind of invalidate the whole system of trying to investigate.

Also, part of Flynn's complaint is that he didn't really have involvement on January 6. Okay. But. January 6 had planners leading up to it, and sorry, it does look like Flynn had a lot to do with promoting the Big Lie and the January 6 rally, whether he gave a speech then and there or not. 

But just like PA Rep. Scott Perry, we're looking at people shrugging off the 1/6 Committee because they just don't feel like they want consequences. Apparently, the Committe isn't legitimate if the non-respondents just don't want to deal with them, just like the 2020 election wasn't legitimate if they didn't like the outcome. 

It's like they insist upon their own entire reality, regardless of the law. And how dare anyone try to look at facts!

UPDATE: The flawsuit was denied because of technical difficulties, but he will have another chance for the court to LOL it out of existence. 

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