Monday, December 20, 2021

TWGB: There Ought To Be A Law!


Trump loves obstruction and lawsuits the way normal people would love things like their families, or maybe their country, or like, I guess, their personal notion of a deity. Trump established a pattern of obstruction that was fully noted in the Mueller investigation, and which I rather wish had been followed up on. He's done everything he can to obstruct people getting hold of his tax returns (although they sure have) even though that's kind of a normal thing for presidential candidates to turn over. He loves countersuits and appeals.  He is, verily, the illegitimum qui carborundums

Anyway, he's still doing that. In somewhat fascinating news following on a weekend where David Cay Johnson predicted that Trump might be facing an indictment for racketeering, and it has seemed very likely that he is also sweating the closeness and hotness of the 1/6 Committee's investigation, it looks like Trump is behaving in usual form: he's suing Letitia James for violating his rights, and I really think he's been the one who has directed the various subpoenaed of reasonable culpability to plead the Fifth and even sue. Cleta Mitchell and Alex Jones are doing it. Mark Meadows, who already let his document hand-over and his book do a lot of talking for him.  John Eastman and Jeffrey Clarke.  Etc.

Now, I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on the blog, but I think the constitutional right issue is sort of a non-starter because it upends the idea that crime should be investigated because people are involved. I mean, what if people were hoping to find a certain outcome, like, that someone was ever guilty of a crime? Biased! What if someone said bad things about a person they considered guilty of crimes? Obviously biased! Just entirely violating the right to not ever be accused of a thing despite evidence and reasonable cause for which warrants have been obtained, and, no, that isn't a thing. Being of the opposite party from an AG also shouldn't be a "Get Out of Investigations Free" card. It's a really weird reach. 

But it's about the public opinion. It's about poor little Everyman Trump struggling to keep his family business from being torn apart by political vultures when he meant it to be a legacy for his own kids, who are also all totally conniving shitasses. His father built that real estate empire with his own two hands and his grandfather's brothel money, and despite multiple bankruptcies, Donald Trump will be goddamned if he'll let it get shut down like his fraudulent University or his bullshit charity

Will it really matter if he's already screwed to the wall? See, he and his little buddies who want to stay shtum right now perpetrated a whole fraud. Trump, like Sidney Powell, fundraised off of bogus election fraud claims he had to have known weren't so. The RNC did. Multiple Republicans have used these fake claims. They sent emails and regular postal mailers with these false claims. They tried to pay for pointless audits and are still doing that sort of thing.

It really does look like the election fraud of 2020 was the proposal of many devious and dumb people to pretend there was voter fraud so as to a) maybe overturn an election but definitely b) make money and convince state legislatures they needed to DO SOMETHING to make sure (Republican) candidates didn't face what Trump faced: a searing loss because people realized he didn't know what the hell he was doing. Because that, not any voter fraud, was what actually happened. He sucked. He lost jobs, his foreign policy was awful, his SCOTUS picks are going down in history in totally not a good way. 

But regardless of the politics, the money grab over false pretenses was definitely a whole crime. And I don't think there ought to be a law about that, I believe there is. And Trump should go down for that, and the incitement for 1/6 as an attempt to obstruct the business of Congress, and for his business practices. Basically, I think we should, as a nation, set aside every January to find a new thing to prosecute Trump over in memory of his two impeachments and just make that a national thing going forward. 

As to the pic above: He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him! So many Trump followers are like the Peter MacNicol character. It's so weird. 

Also, I mean, he totally did not win that election. He had to finagle a new AG because Bill Barr even said he lost. He lost. He really did. You can tell by the way he isn't in the White House anymore. He lost. 

1 comment:

Dan Kleiner said...

"ah, yes... but i woo!"

love that movie.

yeah, i think your analysis is spot on. republicans are gonna lose because they suck. make sure that never happens again.

...while complaining about rigged elections.

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