Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Straight as a Plumb Bob


I genuinely don't know what this is, and because Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS, is likely to get Tweet-yeeted eventually for insurrection stuff, I will screen cap it:

 It's a picture of himself, hand in pocket, apparently using an arrow to demonstrate that he is standing very straight. It reminded me at once of Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden, when the protagonist, Mary, advises her cousin Colin that he hasn't a hump at all and she thinks he's ridiculous. His back is as "strong and straight as any boy in Yorkshire" it is! 

Gosar also Tweets some other pics, which leads me to wonder if this is a game--I think I've got this right:

Of course, this is ableist crap and I don't want to play anymore--I have a touch of scoliosis myself (which causes my traps to look peculiarly pronounced and tilts my head forward a smidge, not that you'd know if I never said since few have seen me IRL), and Gosar is so healthy (like a horse, he says!) he doesn't even need ivermectin. And everyone bends at some point, or leans or changes position, so long as one doesn't have rigor mortis!

Without much more context, I'm at a loss to determine if this is a commentary on his health, his manhood, his "virtue", or whether he's trying to convince us all that his fingers are not at all long enough to be poking the bulge the arrow is pointing to through his pocket.

I think regardless of the picture, there's something very twisted about Gosar, and his family seems to think so, too. And he might not like to be called a white supremacist, but why are all these white supremacists right the hell with him? 

Many people can stand up physically straight. But that doesn't mean they aren't standing for crookedness, deceit and lies over and over again. 

UPDATE: And is this weirdo actually being like: "also I am straighter than these cactus", because my stars and garters I am not a Freudian analyst but really?

UPDATE 2: Wow! Okay, following on what commenter Eddie Blake said about the incel thing, I looked about and huh! So, a grown-ass man and actual elected representative of the people is going in for the goofy-ass aesthetic rantings of a shitposter? And yet, no, that's exactly where I think we are on the whole Republican decline deal. Clown shoes, shitposting, snake oil sales and Christianist Daesh.


Ten Bears said...

Had to have been in the service, I think, and then maybe back in the day, but his gig-line is crooked: zipper, belt-buckle, blouse buttons all out of whack, not in a straight line chin to ... ahhhhh, down there. Nothing straight about it: sloppy, rumpled, looks like he slept in it ...

M. Bouffant said...


What's w/ the cacti? Is he as stiff as it is?

Is he just giving us a view of the stick up his ass?

It'd take a team of shrinks for this one.

RAM said...

Now he ought to do Abbott and Cawthorn.

Li'l Innocent said...

You think he'd know better than to stop his arrow at crotch level. Doesn't he know *anything* about social media??

Seriously though, the desert horizon in the background is not 90 degrees to the green arrow of Straightness. What is one to think?

Dan Kleiner said...

it's an incel thing. true alpha males stand straight.

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