Wednesday, September 1, 2021

See the Sky Ripped Open


I don't really have anything especially insightful to add to the whole
OMG the Taliban are using helicopters to kill folks
thing except that bad faith permeates a lot of the daggone discourse, and that debunking things like how much useful materiel was handed to the Taliban (it isn't actually a lot and most of it was rendered useless beforehand) probably isn't going to help with people who think that letting people know 19 times that they have to get out of Afghanistan while the getting is good doesn't really seem like a lot when really? Seriously. I don't know how you address that. Or how you address the whole "people are being left behind thing" when we don't have transporter beams like Star Trek, so it takes time and we are still going to get people out (the ones who actually want to go!). 

Or the whole "How can you trust the Taliban?" question when, per the deal from February 2020, they actually didn't attack our military contingent upon our leaving. They are sticking to the deal, if in a Taliban  kind of way. President Biden ran down many of the facts during his speech, and some bad faith MF's just said, whatevs and stayed nattering on about optics. No, we don't love them like soul siblings. Also too, sometimes you can deal with people because you do have leverage and they are just happy to get rid of you. 

 But the helicopter thing just makes me laugh in an ugly way because what? Were they momentarily jealous?
UPDATE: Jesus Flipping Christmas: Don Jr. also has pushed the lie that service dogs were left behind, and of course the hell not.

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

Backin my Hell-raisin', Harley-ridin', Helicopter Logging days we used to ride the hook all the time. Wasn't supposed to, but we did. There was one incident ~ involving a bear ~ it saved my life.

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  The Biden Administration wasn't perfect, but it was professional. You want the most benign, bloodless take I can make on it--there you...