Sunday, February 2, 2025

Boos for the US

Trump's tariffs are an incredible unforced error nationally on our part, because we never had that level of animosity with our neighbor to the north before (I guess since the war of 1812). I don't know that Trump understands what Candian energy means for New England states in winter, or to what degree imposing these tariffs makes him the asshole, but we are going to readily see the problem in action because our good allies are going to reciprocate--because why shouldn't they? 

Trump doesn't understand water conservation in California and probably thinks BC needs to turn a spigot somewhere so I'm not going to try to parse his wrong-headed grievances. The last North American Trade agreement was the USMCA which was a Trump Administration coup! (As far as successful Trump Administration coups go!) and now he wants to say it's all been problematic? 

It seems to me that Trump is performing his own kind of crisis economics, where he creates a crisis and then "solves it" and relents whatever costly stupidity he was engaged in to "save" us whenever the pressure to do so comes to a head. 

It might impress the lowbrows, but it exhausts the goodwill we very strategically and with constant care have to maintain--the kind of care that would come naturally if we didn't have a president who was a whole bastard. 

MAGAs love the bastardy. I hope our allies to the North and South appreciate many of us know the bastardy of Trump is neither necessary nor helpful and that the relations we have had were amicable and should be maintained to some degree in spite of Trump, in the hopes of his eventual exit. 

 I get a little careless about how Trumps exits with every passing day. 

I also do not have a lot of love for his (would-be) successor:

JD Vance is an asshole:

The president the people elected ran on lower prices and stopping inflation. He never said jack beforehand about the 51st State or taking Greenland or the Panama Canal. He lied. But to the extent that we have unelected bureaucrats--what the fuck is Elon Musk? 

The definition of oligarchy is:
oligarchy (from Ancient Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía) 'rule by few'; from ὀλίγος (olígos) 'few' and ἄρχω (árkhō) 'to rule, command')[1][2][3] is a form of government in which power rests with a small number of people. These people may or may not be distinguished by one or several characteristics, such as nobility, fame, wealth, education, or corporate, religious, political, or military control.

It has nothing to do with casual employees who have a defined remit. It more exactly suggests DOGE. Whose remit is undefined and certainly not agreed to by the people. It suggests the moneylenders that Trump prayed with in the Temple near to his inauguration. 

Vance, of course is confused.  (He doesn't know he represents DEI for a white guy at his alma mater, which he has of late slandered by proclaiming the professors there "the enemy" while they were actually his matchmaker and his book deal hook-up. AND lots of etcetera.) 

If how the US is viewed by other nations is any metric one respects, Trump is really not pulling up our esteem. They like us depsite him. He isn't "making us great again" though. 

And this time around, I think it may go much worse, because HE is much worse. 


Anonymous said...

We Canadians are delighted to be friends with up to half your country's population. But Canada can no longer be friends with your country. Your word is worth nothing; your signature is worth nothing. Your country cannot be trusted or relied upon. You used to be the Good Guys, and now you're not; you're just the Other Guys.

MarkS said...

Can't argue with that. Trump1 might have passed as an aberration, but we elected him again, so all bets are off.

Vixen Strangely said...

The word of the US is only as good as the people giving it, and our representatives are not good. They look bad and are bad. No question. I have to believe this is temporary on behalf of the up to one half of us that don't entirely suck. The next time we try to do away with Trump and his network, the ticket is--we don't miss and we don't stop halfway. Well-intentioned people over here have been misreading what he is and not looking at a bigger, more disruptive, international picture.

Anonymous said...

Why should any nation believe that this is temporary? Even if the next Democratic administration reverses course (far from guaranteed), the next Republican administration will re-reverse it. The rest of the world can never trust or rely on your country. Will we ever be able to again? You'll have to prove yourself to us.

Look at Jeremiad Dispenser Vance, Telling Stories

  One of the things that allegedly happened today was that Jabbering Defendant Vance, noticing that his Munich speech and his sabotage of Ze...