Saturday, November 2, 2024

TWGB: The Russia, Russia, Russia Thing Still is Not a Hoax


So apparently, some fake and dumb shit is circulating on the internet that is sourced from Russia. This is no surprise after three elections with Trump, but for the newly TWGB-stooled folks, it has to do with creating election-related insecurity. Some of it has to do with Haitians--wow! Really? Following on the gross and racist lies that came from the Trump campaign recirculating white supremacist bullshit via Vance from actual white supremacists? Except in swing state Georgia, not sort of red Ohio? And the Russians pulled some shit about swing state Pennsylvania, too. 

They are being "tactical". As in, bloody obvious. 

The problem isn't whether Trump is "colluding".  It really hasn't been, although hit dogs holler. It's been "Why is Trump the guy Russia favors?" because they sure the hell don't want a strong leader for us. They would want a basically supine eager-beaver. And this is, sadly, what Trump is. Just a lil' puppy having excitement pee running down his leg to be acknowledged by someone he thinks has the kind of "real power" he wants. And this pretty much is what Neckbeard Chamberlain would be giving us as well. 

These are not smart guys. These are ambitious guys who have taken several opportunities beyond their ability to perform. They need to game the system, file lawsuits and lolsuits, encourage their followers to dumpster or ballot box fire fuckeries to pretend something is wrong with the thing where we all just have one person one vote, the way it significantly was before Trump entered the picture.

They don't want one person one vote because they know a lot of people recognize Trump is a fucking trashfire and they love him anyway.  They just think Trump is hated because he is right. He is completely not in any way whatsoever.  

The problem is--trying to explain this to the Trump MAGA faithful, because they don't want to hear it.  But here is your under-informed and Russian-propaganda infused boy:

Russia started invading Ukraine in 2014 and only radically stepped it up in 2022--but the US is not fighting in Ukraine, we are providing weapons. It's a very different thing than what Trump is saying--and you have to ask--is he wrong or lying? And does it matter--aren't both appalling?  A brave democratic European ally is fighting for their sovereignty--and Trump is a weak little cunt who misrepresents what is going on because he is afraid of "the nuclear" and "World War III" with a nation where 20% of the population doesn't have indoor potties? 

And he admires Putin and Kim--whose people have eaten grass, because he likes uniforms and spectacle and snap-to and ceremony and "Dear Leader" shit? 

What Trump wants isn't any America I know. It's what Russia wants for us--poorer, paying more--sanctioning OURSELVES with stupid tariffs, an economic own-goal. The "hardships" Elon Musk alludes to. A clusterfuck. of all clusterfucks, courtesy a sick, deluded old man who wants to get in a rasslin' ring with Liz Cheney, 20 years younger than him, a mother of daughters, a person who I bet can deliver a sick blow from downtown on a senile clown who needs two hands for his sippy cup. 

This is a stupid timeline, but I have to believe that people will get Putin wants Trump, and not because he's good for this country. So kindly, I would suggest that pretend patriots should stop inviting jail sentences on themselves trying to do electoral fraud for this stupid pathetic foreign-influenced manbaby. 

If he loses, he loses fair and square. His useful time is ending. Russia doesn't even care if their ops are obvious and get found out. That's how bad it it. 


LORDT, this is what Vova sometimes is thinking about: Which is kind of Trump, but so unnecessary! He prefers women.

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