Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Where Were Your Candidates on Labor Day?


Mine was working. 

I don't know where Trump was, but wherever JD Vance was, he was Tweeting unadvisedly

This man may have worked a service position once according to his book (and probably does not have it still on his resume), but he has demonstrated no feeling for working people. He's used to no-show jobs. Just like he doesn't show up to vote for working people. 

Project 2025 is the Trump/Vance plan. Let's not obfuscate that with some plausible denial. And it would undo a lot of what the labor movement has accomplished for working people. My husband has been a shop steward and I'm a union civil service worker for some time. Trying to break up unions is about destroying the worker solidarity that makes work livable.  Our ability to negotiate for just wages and reasonable benefits, to be protected from unjust firings, and to actually enjoy the life we are working to support are "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." 

You can't expect Donald Trump to get this. I don't know if he ever worked for any employer other than his father, and that man was biased. He's had contracts with other people-but he breaks contracts, especially with working people. 

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz stand ready to work for us. For working people. For people who make rent and mortgage payments and really do fuss over grocery costs. For people who got government jobs not because we are weird partisans but because it's just a damn good union job with a degree of meritocracy baked in (like civil service exams and regular tests to demonstrate you can do the damn job). 

Trump simply hates unions and working-class people. He doesn't know what timeclock work is about, because he gets to schlep around his country clubs and call it work. He is mad about foreign worker visas when his businesses are a user of them. 

My candidates were trying to get elected on Labor Day. The Republican ticket was laying low as well they should. 

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Minus the Southern patois that sounds like Senator John Kennedy as rendered by bad AI, Donald Trump talking about groceries sounds like Jerr...