Sunday, September 1, 2024

TWGB: He'll Dance to Anything


Maybe the Gold Star families, who invited him and have signed statements to the effect that they think his being there was cool and totally legal--fucked him over by posting pictures and videos. That's what HE SAID, babies, not me. He tried to suggest the people who were there to back his ass up backed his ass over. So he suggested he didn't know anything about the strategy of his dumb stunt and maybe he was stunted upon. Maybe it was the White House that he was going to claim bailed on a solemn event they totally were clued into.  Kamala Harris called him on it, and now that stunt is supposed to be "he said and she said"

I'm not here to belittle the Gold Star families because their grief is real and how they feel is real regardless of the facts on the ground. Their loved ones saved people in assisting the evacuation that day and died in a suicide bombing from ISIS-K. Nearly 170 Afghan people also were killed by that blast. The war had been 20 years long. And many servicepeople cycled through that assignment.  They can cast their blame any and everywhere it feels valid. But we all know that serving in the armed services can mean being placed in danger. Their safety was not guaranteed, they guaranteed the safety of others and that was their great sacrifice and why Section 60 is hallowed ground. 

Nothing I can say makes that right. Throughout the war on terror, we have not stopped the tactic of extraordinary violence. The results are appalling and personal. I demur from politicizing it. I have my own ideas about why the withdrawal sucked, but it was a group effort. And yet, for the Abbey Gate tragedy, I still blame ISIS. There was one airport, and there were so many people who were running out of time to be safe.   It was time to leave, and the crowd itself was an exploit. An opportunity for terror. One last kick in the slats before leaving. One demonstration of the ideology that faced the country we tried to rehabilitate into something like a Western image.

Do you want to know why he had a thumbs up at that grave? Because in his mind, he was winning.  The violence of ISIS was his exploit. No different than how he wanted to use the prisoners held by Russia. It was an opportunity to pretend he could have made things different. The way to win isn't to do anything--in Trump World--it's to lie and pretend you could have. 

We are told Trump is having difficulty arriving at a reproductive health care plan. Wow, Shocker. What, has he simply never been a person considering what it was like to be a female person who had a pregnancy fraught with personal issues? Maybe he also has buyer's remorse over picking a total misogynist joyless douchebro for his running mate.

But here is something that gives him joy--pretending his assassination attempt was thwarted by God Almighty, who saved him so he could save the country. 

Flags (maybe you didn't see them) formed a perfect angel, so now you can go beat the hell out of reporters, God says it's okay. Violently stop the upcoming steal--Trump and God said so. 

You know who tried to assassinate him,  right? Apparently when TrumpWorld says "they", they don't mean Matthew Crooks and the mouse in his pocket. He thinks the Democrats want to martyr him, like that isn't a stupid headache of MAGAs getting their civil war on. No one wants that mess. He can die stroking out on an aluminum toilet in a max sec prison the way Gawd intended. 

But you have got to give it to him, he is mad as hell, but he keeps dancing. 

Bonus link:

1 comment:

Richard said...

Whatever it was, it was dirty and disrespectful. Maybe if you are trump, you can just do that.

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