Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Serious Woman


There are detractors to this ad. The younger folks did not have Schoolhouse Rock in their early life and it shows. An executive can propose, but it's up to Congress to dispose such acts. So unfortunately, despite what a White House official like the Vice-president might want, they don't get that without congress and the president also being on board. And Republicans--exist. And quite openly block border bills because it's kind of bad for Trump. They blocked a border bill for Trump because he doesn't have a whole hell of a lot else to run on besides his wall gimmick.

If you thought I was going to only say Trump was an unserious man because he is, well, no. The whole GOP is, now, because they are verified useless. 

But Kamala Harris is serious. 

The solution here isn't just "more wall" or "better wall"--it's understanding why people are coming here and why they are being employed here.  Taking the lives of the people involved seriously and listening to their communities. 

Trump could and would not ever. 

He's been called an "unserious man" before. Harris has the gift of exposing by how much he is worthless and no-account by demonstrating in every way how she would do what he can't even. 

Like support Ukraine:

Kamala Harris is serious and cares about the US, our citizens, and our Constitution. She has been taking it seriously her whole life. Trump can't even fake it seriously anymore.

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