Friday, July 19, 2024

"Unity" Trump and the New Attitude


As the pundits were desperately hoping for--Ecce Homo: the Man Reborn,  who was definitely not going to ramble on, self-pityingly, spitefully, mockingly, calling Nancy Pelosi crazy while once again referring to the tragic assault on her husband, referring to the "China virus" in a way that has inspired racist animosity against Asian people, degrading the discourse as you know....

He always does. Was he supposed to change, now? After all this time? On his biggest stage, he gave an extended-play version of his regular rally speech, with a cameo from our old friend the "late, great Hannibal Lector" and a wistful concern that Kim Jong-Un misses him. 

I'm only mildly surprised we were spared his feelings about the water pressure in his toilets. 

Biden is old. Sure. He gets tired. Sure. He gets tongue-tied. And then there are the things that deliberately come out of Donald Trump's sewer of a mouth. 

Was there anything upbeat at all in his speech to the RNC, coming after the brilliant use of the lead-up by showcasing the values of the current party as represented by Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan and Dana White?

Well, there was a shout-out to Tom Homan, a former Trump Administration official who is a significant contributor to Heritage Foundation's Project 2025--which we were not supposed to think about as being the Trump Agenda except for being constantly reminded of it. But then again, Trump also gave a shout-out to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who is "doing a great job". At what, I'd bet you two ham sandwiches you could not say. Does Trump think he's still governor? 

Who knows what Trump thinks--except that the 2020 election was stolen, and he won't stop saying so. And he thinks he's going to have to "fight, fight, fight" again. He thinks he both built the wall that was going to prevent "an invasion" and an invasion is absolutely happening right now. He's going to "Drill here, drill now" in an echo of shitty 2010 Tea Party gooberism (we have never produced more energy in the country) and wants to erect a US "Iron Dome" because we might find ourselves in a shooting war with Canada over maple syrup or something. 

The stable genius behind our great Space Force couldn't remember the name of Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars" program, even though it is the same name as a highly successful movie and television franchise. 

This man's gears are clearly slipping. 

A lot of incredibly idiotic stuff has been said about the noble fighting spirit of the martyr, Donald Trump, all of which is appalling. Yes, he was shot at and wounded. (His also stable genius son Eric downgraded his condition from his ear being half shot off to a "flesh wound" that did not require stitches). And he wore a big prop bandage--and so did his weird cult fans, which really reminds me of something:

This is because they wanted the world to know they stood with Trump and his victimization by "they".

Obviously, there's a pronoun issue here, since the would-be assassin was, apparently, exactly one guy. (Singular male pronoun="he".) And of course, all his trials for being a sex pest and white-collar fraud, which is obviously a political witch hunt because it is absolutely like Trump hasn't had a reputation for being a sex pest and a white-collar fraud his whole life prior to starting politics.


And also Trump is not EITHER too old and does not EITHER love dictators. 

Remember when the GOP was calling Democrats "appeasers" all the time? Fun. Trump and his mini-me Vance are little craven shaven freshly readied dictator Koozies. Ready to chill their beer or cheer their reign of terror. For fun and profit, mostly profit, but maybe fun if needless human suffering is their bag, and well....mayyyyybeee?  

Anyway, anyone who wanted to pretend this pile of rewarmed fascist vomit was going to be a UNITY guy because of his brush with death, honestly, please go pick up trash at the park or do something remotely useful with yourself and try not to say stupid things about politics for a while.

Trump is not a good person. Nothing is going to make him all of the sudden a good person. People who support him, alas, are not good people, because they know what he is. And they like the worst parts of it. Hillary Clinton called them deplorables, and sorry--

She never lied. 


bluzdude said...

I'm sure he's all in on "unity," as long as it's unity behind his dictatorship. It's not actually unity he wants, it's capitulation.

Vixen Strangely said...

It's like the Heritage Foundation picture of "bloodless". My head translates it as "Lay back and pretend to like it, because it's coming anyway."

Richard said...

I listened to the whole thing on the radio. They were lying, again. Most of the people I talk with think these maga trump people are going to win. Because they have God on their side. We don't believe in that way, and we are getting ready for another few years of this nonsense. Nothing lasts forever, not even us. But I will be damned if I go along with this cult.

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