Monday, June 10, 2024

TWGB: Jumping the Shark?


This isn't the first time recently Trump has been caught waving to a supposed bunch of admirers that just aren't there. It's just that it's starting to get so sad and obvious. You know what else is--this kind of puffery about crowd size:

But after all, one of the first big lies about Trump's Administration was regarding the crowd size at his Inauguration. Poor Donald! Nothing is ever BIG enough! And maybe, just maybe, there were people paid to be at his very hot, very disappointing rally in Las Vegas this Sunday. (Hopefully they get paid, that is--he's already threatening to stiff the teleprompter people for making him say "Hispanicans.") That's not a new story in TrumpWorld, either. And he has jokes!

The presumptive GOP nominee’s campaign hired extra medics, loading up on fans and water bottles and allowed supporters to carry umbrellas to an outdoor rally Sunday in Las Vegas, where temperatures exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius). The Clark County Fire Department said most of the medical calls were related to the heat, and six people were sent to a hospital and 24 others were treated on site.

“I don’t want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don’t care about you. I just want your vote,” he said, adding that he was joking.

Was he really joking though? After all, that's the same kind of joke that was practically knocking'em dead in Arizona just a few days ago.  The same, by the way, that lead to "super-spreader" events in 2020 and probably killed Herman Cain.

What we do know is he's very smart because his uncle was at MIT and something to do with batteries and sharks

You know, stable genius stuff. You should also know, per Trump, in today's rant and on Truth Social, that the dirty libs who made up stories about his disparaging veterans and those fallen in battle are just liars!
You know--the story that came from his own former Chief of Staff, General Kelly

It just keeps getting harder for Trump to pretend he's got his shit together. Oh sure, he's got some lickspittles who will say anything for him:

But do you really believe them? Because of all the things that never happened, this here did not happen rather a lot.

(I thank the cosmos that I lack whatever genetic anomaly some people possess that must make Trump's butt taste like butterscotch.)

But the faithful who came to worship Trump in 104-degree-heat probably see this all differently than you or I do. They don't mind a little test of faith in the heat, or the trials of trying to reconcile things Trump says with the world they live in. 

For now. 

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