Friday, May 31, 2024

TWGB: King Goon Found Guilty of All 34 Counts


Let's just take a beat to bask in what should be a solid moment for criminal justice: a trial concerning a former president with charges determined by a grand jury was brought before another jury, who, having weighed the evidence, found him guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying documents with the purpose of laundering the hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels with the intent to hide Trump's sordidness for the sake of election interference. 

Despite the jurors having to be held in anonymity for their own protection, despite Trump's repeated violation of his gag order, despite his traipsing of various political figures into the courtroom--it was demonstrated that they, the regular folks on that jury, could read the evidence and determine there was no reason but Trump's ambition to be president that accounted for these payments and the false business documents trying to cover up that a payoff had been made. It isn't rocket science, and the chain of evidence wasn't obscure. 

And because Trump is King of the Goons, the Goons are coming out to dismiss the entirety of our justice system, pretend King Goon was victimized and railroaded, and demonstrate that they are willing to destroy our faith in our Constitutional system if it didn't find their little adjudicated pussy-grabber, fraudulent, bankrupt, moron, knuckle dragger, racist pig purely innocent of what all the documentation involved, not merely the testimony of the witnesses, demonstrated quite factually he was guilty of. 

I've spoken before about the categorical error of the Republican Party that they confuse Identity Politics as being to blame for things when the reality is that people face consequences in the real world for their actions. Trump was not found guilty because he is the leader of the GOP or because he is the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee, He is guilty because he was the guy in the dock, who fucked Stormy Daniels and directed his "fixer" to pay her off, and then tried to launder it through his business. That is all. If this was the leader of the GOP and the presumptive nominee for the 2024 presidential contest and had not done that--he would not be in this situation.

He fucked up. He. Did. That. It is not the sin of other folks for noticing it and holding him to account. 

Susan Collins and JD Vance and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Mike Johnson and so many more electeds and right-wing pundits besides giving lip service to their Goon King right now are trying to blame the jurors (regular folks), the judge, and the system (the rule of law) for Trump's predicament. Here they are: the party of law and order, the party of family values, the part of personal responsibility--

They are going to bat for him despite 1/6 and the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, although it most certainly was not. They are going to bat for him even though it undermines our civil society and may bring threats of physical violence to others. They don't care what happens to America--they want to support their Goon King, even if he is a poisonous and criminal person, an actual threat to the homeland. 

And why are they doing that? To protect their necks. To stay in their bullshit jobs they aren't doing even if American Home of the Free and the Brave fucking swirls down Trump's newly suped-up toilet. 

If any or all of them are worried they will be determined to be Trump's accomplices in his various fuckeries, they could always just stop being accomplices in his various fuckeries. 

But they have decided they would rather stick with Trump's lie--hate the justice system, pretend Biden is behind a case building in Manhattan since 2018? That isn't even a part of the federal DOJ?  And grouse that the media is a little too happy to see Trump the Felon as if we didn't know what this man is. 

The Trump defenders are self-deluding. Their Goon King has been a Goon since Day One in his life and has known nothing but goonery all day, every day since. 

They should know better and prefer not to.

Republicans should know that today, it was beauty that killed the Beast, but the Beast in them has to also be slain. The Goon King has no business being their party's master. How can we be a civil society when Republicans are happily, whole -heartedly, indulging in that Goon life? 

The rapist, the racist, the fraud? 

The people who are agreeing with his self-serving lies that may deliver violence on jurors or judges or any regular decent dissenting person for his worthless sake are complicit in evil. So to hell with the people who said they are the party of family values and then supported a serial adulterer, to hell with the party of law and order who stand for the upheaval of the system, to hell with the party that loves cops supposedly unless they are critical of Trump, and then they SWAT his mama, fuck their false prophets and their profit-taking grifter preachers and their ass-covering and their election lies and their smugness and sanctimony when they support, right now, a felon. 

The GOP has told us what they stand for--nay, what they kneel for. What they get down and lick the boot of. 

They support their felonious King Goon and he is a shit among men. A stain on humanity, and they worship that stain like it was the shroud of Turin, and not His Nibs' dirty drawers. 

The people who wanted to lock Hillary Clinton up for her server have deified a man who had boxes and boxes of classified shit in his Mar-a-Lago shitter. I can't respect a single Republican because not any of this makes sense of any moral or practical kind. 

These bitches aren't mad Trump was found guilty, they are mad they are guilty by association, and decided to blame the people who noticed he was wrong rather than disassociate from him. They would rather be mad then get right. And then demand respet for their tender and badly misplaced feelings. 

Fuck'em. I am happy Trump was found guilty and I hope he dies on a stainless steel prison toilet and a hundred photos get taken and at least one makes it to the front page of the New York Times. If that makes you mad, sorry, you aren't his little baby child or in his will and he doesn't love you and God doesn't want him for a sunbeam. He's just a pussy grabber grifter who sells red hats from China and had a shitty reality tv show and your dumb ass fell for it. The end. 


MarkS said...

Wow! *golf clap*

chrome agnomen said...

every damn word of this!

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