Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Steaming Manure of 2000 Mules


Pardoned felonious dirtbag Dinesh D'Souza wrote a genuinely fraudulent book stating that the 2020 election was stolen, and absolutely everything was wrong with it. Now Salem Media Group wants nothing to do with it or the film made from it because they do not want their whole ass sued off of them. 

This is a very clear stance largely based in the very real situation that what D'Souza posits is indefensible and that he used bad false data to defame real people. You know, the same way Rudy Giuliani defamed real election workers with his false claims, and for which he is now being disbarred and bankrupt because he decided to use fraud to do treason.

(Look, you can say I'm over the top to call this "treason", but when Russian active measures support Trump, I don't equivocate about that--why? Why do they want this senile indebted corrupt and easily blackmailable asshole for president? Because he is the entire handbook of "people you would never give top secret clearance to" and there he nonetheless was. Scooping up boxes to take to Mar-a-Lago and by some accounts, having scooped some off to Bedminster while he was at it. Given his Oval office performance with Lavrov and his little gimp act at Helsinki, you want to bet he never sold assets out to his lil' friend Putin? Therefore, if I were a patriot, I would simply not accept their witch hunt intel about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, because how in the hell is that the American Way? And I would view his Mar-a-Lago docs case way differently from how blindfolded hostage judge Aileen Cannon seems to have . Are you okay Aileen? Blink or something!) 

Meh. Dinesh is an idiot and a skell, news at 11. And the whole 2020 voter fraud scam was, actually, a scam to get Trump faithful inappropriately mad that Trump legitimately lost his election by purporting he didn't really lose. Of course he did though--he was a bad president. He lost over 2 million jobs, put $8 trillion on the national debt, and officially lost 400K Americans to his Covid mismanagement (but the "excess death toll" suggests it was far more.) 

"Stop the Steal" was an attempt to steal. Joe Biden won fair and square. Trump and his minions are liars and frauds. People who still believe Trump won should be mocked because they are goddamn fools. 

And nothing D'Souza does should ever prosper again, because he is proven sleaze. 


Ten Bears said...

I have questions about Ivana's death ~ uh-huh, "fell down the stairs" ~ and have called for that box to be dug up since they buried it. I wouldn't be surprised if she's not there ...

Vixen Strangely said...

My instinct about TrumpWorld is you can't turn over a stone without something nasty under it, and in her case--the problem for me is the goddamn stone. There's no way in my mind that glamorous woman would have wanted to end up under a little bitty thin slab on a golf course.

It feels like either an insult to her or a red flag.

Dan Kleiner said...

oh it's a red flag. she was cremated, yet men strained to carry her casket?

chrome agnomen said...

those docs were heavy.

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