Thursday, February 22, 2024

Lara Trump and the Real Priorities of the RNC


I'm obviously not a donor to the Republican Party, but I can honestly imagine that if I were and thought the party would use all the donations for the cause of Donald Trump's legal bills instead of winning the Senate and holding the House, my wallet would magically glue itself shut. I mean, I get why the Trump Family Campaign needs another vault to loot but come on....

Now as a Democrat from the cradle, on the other hand, I think this is great for the RNC branding. Make the RNC Great Again. I mean, what have they got to lose? Elections? Credibility? 

And as for Lara Trump, if this RNC thing doesn't pan out, she will always have her nascent music career to fall back on. 

The interesting thing is--can Republicans actually tell the Trumps "No"?


Richard said...

Even if they could tell Trump no, they won't do it. They like him. He is their leader. He speaks for them. This is what they want.

Vixen Strangely said...

Yes. No matter how frankly Trump and family show they are using them, they have made a choice they are sticking with.

Kwark said...

Small sample size I'm afraid but the few trumpers I speak with are so far down the rabbit hole they think all of his legal battles are efforts by traitors to prevent him from retaking his rightful place as the "anointed leader of TRUE AMERICANS" (their exact words). So, yeah, I don't think there's any distinguishing among the various places trump is blowing the money he grifts, much less any notion that he's sucking much of the monetary oxygen away from Republican candidates down the ballot. Such a shame.

Vixen Strangely said...

Just to keep a perspective, I am always on Twitter, and when something about Trump is trending, I take a look at the hashtags to see what Trump fans are saying. It's humbling to appreciate the depth and breadth of denial. They are Scotchguarded against the stain of facts. It's the reason I both think free speech is great but also want Fox News and Newsmax to be hurled into the sun.

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