Monday, December 18, 2023

Nikki Haley is Unqualified


Jonathan Karl isn't exhausting. He's asking the question I would have asked Haley back in January 2021: What is the play?  If you want to tell us that Trump was the right man for the time, or that you'd still back him if he were convicted, you aren't telling us how you'd be better. You aren't criticizing him at his most debatable and weakest point--that he did break the law, disrupt the peace, flaunt the Constitution. You're admitting you're WORSE. You are an enabler. Not a leader. 

If you don't have the stomach to confront Trump, who is a kiss-up, punch-down bully who lauds Xi and Kim and tries to use Putin as a character reference, what the whole fuck? How are you supposed to be able to face our enemies abroad if you are numb and responseless to the enemy right the fuck here? If you would still support him if he was the nominee, even if he were convicted. 

This is the weakest shit I can imagine. This is looser and lighter than baby shit. 

Donald Trump tried to say both sides of a white supremacist rally had good people. Nikki Haley was governor of South Carolina when a white supremacist shot up a black church. Does she think "good people" are on the side of church shooters? Because if she endorses Trump--isn't she kind of endorsing that? Trump is explicitly demonizing immigrants, like his own mom, and two of his wives, and Nikki Haley's parents. She doesn't have anything to say about that. She can't even stick up for HERSELF.

I get that still-Republican Never Trumpers might think she has something for them, but I don't see anything that can stop Trump--because she isn't even trying. She isn't even a good moderate regarding abortion rights for miscarriages, life of the mother and so on. She's a waving bit of grass. She doesn't know how to not be a pro-life mouthpiece and doesn't speak up for womens' lives because she doesn't dare. 

She's exactly the kind of idiot who needs to be asked just how and when supposed "post-birth abortions" happen. They don't. It's a talking point and it's offensive and abusive. 

Trump rally responses indicate she has exactly zero chance at even being a Trump running mate.  So why is she here?  She literally could just find anything else to do since she won't do anything measurable in elected office. And doesn't seem to understand the effect of Putin's dedicated interference at all. 


Ten Bears said...

Not from around here, not an American. An Indian. India Indian. And of a caste that believes itself better than all other castes who in turn believe themselves better than all others: the purest humans. The original Aryans. She was literally raised with a superiority complex, she was raised under the assumption she is 'better than everyone else'. We are animals

It's pretty clear from her belittling, condescending, denigrating arrogance ...

Vixen Strangely said...

I know Vivek Ramaswamy is a Brahmin--he's got a certain blindness to his unearned privilege that has resulted in conspiracy theories and delusions-- he's "that guy":

(As in, "that guy) who on a Twitter space with Elon Musk--white supremacist and Andrew Tate--indicted for sex trafficking, etc. and Alex Jones--conspiracy scumbag, forgot to mute the mic whilst he peed. ) Clearly superior!

As for Haley, I think she's just a compulsive people pleaser--she thinks she can get away with talking out of every possible side of her mouth and you won't notice the big picture is: she's useless. Just a boneless chicken waiting for Trump to make a cutlet out of her.

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