Tuesday, November 14, 2023

TWGB: Trump Derangement Syndrome


A funny thing happened in the news today: the Trump campaign was contacted about the similarities between Trump's recent "Vermin" comments and the language of dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, and we were given an unbelievably great quote from a Trump spokesperson:

“Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House,” Cheung told The Washington Post on Monday.

Or--we're just people who can read and compare statements from historical figures like the aforementioned dictators and Trump. But I love this for his spokesman: actually saying aloud like a fucking tool: "their entire existence will be crushed". Oooooh, CRUSH ME BIG DADDY! Melt me like the little bitch snowflake I am! Wear the jackboots this time! 

Also, a not funny thing happened today: Trump's older sister Maryanne Trump Barry died today, and instead of making any reference to that, Trump posted the above quote on his failing (sooo many losses--SAD!) Truth Social:

Deranged Jack Smith, Andrew Weissmann, Lisa Monaco, the "team of losers and misfits' from CREW, and all the rest of the Radical Left Zealots and Thugs who have been working illegally for years to "take me down," will end up, because of their suffering from a horrible disease, "TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME (TDS!), in a Mental Institution by the time my next term as President is successfully completed. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 


He's not a rotting pumpkinhead with a failing brain-- despite all of the evidence we are noticing more and more.  And he's not either a person who has been frequently investigated for criminal and illicit activities by so many different agencies and prosecutors for reasonable cause: it's all Trump Derangement Syndrome. For which people can be sent to mental hospitals. As happened regularly in the Soviet Union in fact--dissidents against the government were considered insane

How does one demonstrate fitness and sanity in a TrumpWorld dictatorship: loyalty to Trump. Easy peasy. The Trump plan for his second and ultimate term to end all terms is going to have a lot to do with a lot of loyal and very well-screened for ideology people. This kind of thing isn't totally without precedent in the US before. In the Bush era, the Iraq CPA was a bunch of free-market fuckfaces. And helpful little souls like Monica Goodling screened new hires with ideological zeal.  But the TrumpWorld of the future is fixing to be that sort of thing on stilts. 

He's going to publish that right out in front where people can see, give speeches where people can hear, and post things on Truth Social anyone can read and--tell you that you are goddamn crazy for taking him at his word.

And here's the capper: an exclusive reveal of the proffer statements of lawyers who knew about the behind the scenes talks regarding Trump's bid to stay in the White House despite having LOST. He wasn't going to leave no matter what. (Dan Scavino may be catching a case for this.)  It's the kind of news that almost, but not quite, overshadows the danger Trump is in just from his son's testimony in his civil case earlier Monday. His dad was making silk purses out of sows' ears. For sure. 

I submit it's kind of crazy not to notice that TrumpWorld is in denial of a certain basic grasp of the overall thing where the twice-impeached rapist fraudulent election-denying and possibly senile malignant narcissist with four indictments on 91 felony counts is the frontrunner for their party's presidential nom. 

That shit is deranged, honeys. That is entirely deranged. 

And in other news one of Trump minion Rudy Giuliani's little friends from his "Get Biden" escapades in Ukraine is charged with treason because of course. And Jon Karl's book looks like something someone better get me for Christmas because yes, the man was candid about being exactly that Hitler-like guy

Like, exactly

Nope--I don't think anyone who compares him with assorted strongmen, like Kim or Xi or Putin or any of the other dictators he longingly identifies with, are the deranged ones, here. 


Ten Bears said...

Not only can they not pull anything new out of their nethers, can't pull anything old ...

fenderman said...

Please add to the (entirely appropriate) list of opprobrious terms for Queensman the cuttingest of all: loser.
Loser, loser, loser, loser, loser, loser, King of the Losers.

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