Thursday, September 7, 2023

TWGB: You Can Consider All The Options


Recently seen unfurled at Yankee Stadium was an absolutely enormous banner reading "Trump or Death". It showed the dates "1776-2024" which sort of suggests something happened in 1776 that would definitely end in 2024. I guess the opposition of the United States to monarchy, since the weirdos brandishing this flag seem to want to install Trump in office regardless of how the rest of us feel about him.

I encourage Trump followers, of course, by all means, to consider all of their options. No one here gets out alive, etc. 

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, father of Sarah, pastor (?), tv host and promoter of cartoon pseudohistory, certainly seems to think that if Trump loses in 2024 it will be the last election decided by ballots rather than bullets. Wild, if true, right? He subscribes to the idea that Trump is being persecuted for his political beliefs, when those beliefs were that he should be president for life and the hell with what the voters said. OK. Trump's beliefs are very much a problem. The idea that violence is the answer to your candidate losing an election because he isn't popular is the actual stuff of banana republics. Your political candidate deciding he should be president for life is a problem--and yes, this is a thing Trump hinted at. 

It's a problem when not just Christian tv hosts preach the evangel of Trump re-elected or bloody holy war, but when sitting congressmen do the same, like Matt Gaetz. This is not normal. Other Republican option exist besides Trump. How is it that the option of voting for non-rapists who aren't under several indictments and multiple criminal charges, like Nikki Haley or Mike Pence, should be so noxious to MAGA? 

Some people fear this is fascism, others that it's a cult. I, the eternal pessimist, see fascism as also a religious movement. Supporting Trump is religion for some people. Their idea of government has grown to require a corrupt billionaire (as far as we know) in terrific legal jeopardy. A person legally understood to be guilty of rape. A person who by now should be understood to be very guilty of multiple incidences of fraud.  His only real quality of distinction is the zeal of his followers. It is distinctive--it is not a value or a virtue. It occupies no other realm of reality but blind faith. 

Think about this--Peter Navarro described his contempt charge as himself fighting for God, country, the Constitution etc. 

Really? Because it just looked like a simple case of obstruction of justice from here, because you can't come clean without getting dirty, my old son. I mean, why would turning over docs be a problem if you were in the right? The indignance that Navarro shows isn't a man assured he's well within the confines of the law, but astonished it applies to him. And I'm sure he's not alone in deciding that not coughing up docs is the better part of valor, but I think justice also comes for the those who also just stay silent and wait. 

You could consider also the weeping figures of the Not As Proud As Once Before Boys, who are now facing double digit prison sentences for their engaging in a breach of the Capitol. They were offered much lesser sentences as a plea bargain, and they said no. Were they staying hard in the hopes the once and future president would come back and pardon them? The way he will certain R. Congresspeople?

The whinge of right-wingers is they can't even imagine what the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers did, while also understanding whatever happened on 1/6 was bad--they just want to place the blame elsewhere. They want to pretend it could have been antifa, or Feds, or Nancy Pelosi should have stopped it, but we all know who did it, and who failed to stop it. Trump failed. And he wants another bite at the apple. 

But what if?

What if he simply doesn't win in 2024 the way he simply didn't win in 2020? It's all very well to blame his legal troubles for that--but stupids: you could have selected anyone else! And for those who hopelessly fucked up your lives on his behalf:

Why, shmucks? Didn't you know what he was when you picked him up? Trump lost in 2020: why would he do better now, anyway? 

But if you are seriously considering Trump or Death, I can only advise we all die eventually anyway. In the meantime, I myself prefer cake

1 comment:

Dan Kleiner said...

as a red-sea pedestrian, i can't begin to tell you how SICK i am of their "beliefs" and their "faith". whatta load of chonky, vomitous bullshit. like, explain to me why i should respect their "beliefs" when they don't give a rat's ASS about anyone else's? like to paraphrase ghandi, "christ sounds like a really nice guy, but jesus, you christians are fucking busybody, authoritarian assholes."

in fascism, the cult-of-the-leader IS the national faith bc the leader is infallible. the party can't be stopped, the party knows all: and who runs the party? the almighty leader.

religious ecstasy= two minute hate. as orwell memorably put it, their vision of the future is "a boot stamping on a human face – for ever". that's exactly the position your typical religious zealot takes.

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  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...