Thursday, September 7, 2023

James O'Keefe's History of Cringe Dance Videos

In honor of the recent Will Sommer piece at WaPo regarding just what embarrassing and much-lauded anti-journalist James O'Keefe III spent Project Veritas money on, I thought there was nothing more appropriate than to take note of what O'Keefe tried to convey with the power of DANCE! which is something TYT just variously touched on as being a real O'Keefe THING over the years. 

I know, I know, I just visited O'Keefe being a part of the vast RightWing Grifter ecosystem not that long ago, but it continues to be funny to me that this clown collected an award from Ginny Thomas and has been considered "untouchable" because knuckle-draggers like his irrelevant hits that mostly don't do anything in the real world. 

But this is so iconic, so truly choice, so much a beautiful indication of what it means to be a LEGEND of Griftopia:

In September 2021, according to the report, Hurricane Ida floodwaters threatened to destroy the Project Veritas office in Mamaroneck. The staff scrambled to save equipment and their own lives — one elderly employee was briefly pulled underwater and had to be rescued by colleagues. But O’Keefe had already left the scene, asking employees to prioritize his own evacuation so he could make it to Virginia for a performance of the musical “Oklahoma!” in which he had the lead role, according to staffers cited by the audit.

“Don’t worry, everything will be okay,” O’Keefe told his employees, according to recollection of a staffer cited in the audit, “but help me get out of here.” In 2022, Project Veritas admitted in a tax filing to improperly spending $20,500 moving some staff operations to Virginia during O’Keefe’s time with the musical production for his convenience.

OOOOOklahoma! where the wind comes sweeping down the sonofabitching middle-aged theater-kid ass plain as fuck Golden Boy nonsense with lashings of reality and so much lawsuits. 

He's not here to be the rightwing Woodward and Bernstein--his Pulitzer dreams are more Rodgers and Hammerstein! 

I'm just saying. So many of these rancid people want to be stars.They have big dreams. But the right wing stage is where they start paying in SWEAT! 


M. Bouffant said...

Remember his first brush w/ fame, dressing up like a "pimp"? We should have known then.

Vixen Strangely said...

It's always been about DRAMA!!! This manchild isn't really out there doing work. It's stagecraft looking like journalism, and the punters have enjoyed the taste. The pimp suit was always B-roll: looking like the presentation of the story, not the actual story (which was getting people off guard saying things that might not even be true, then pretending they had a "news item"). He's a manufactured product, matriculated through a digestive system to his obvious final essence.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...