Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Marjorie Taylor Greene is Just Dumb, You Guys


Um, no?

There weren't governments that melted the ice. The ice age and global warming are different things. One was a totally natural event and the other is understood to be "anthropogenic"--we are doing it. The global temperature noticeably jumped after the industrial age. We got the "gift of fire" to survive the ice age, but we turned it into coal-burning and oil-burning engines of CO2 production. The ice age ended on its own in the younger Dryas period. There are competing theories about what stimulated the interglacial period, but we don't have much to go on beyond polar core samples or whatever about stuff that long ago--

But about recent history of climate--we've got tons of data. What do you want--beyond, like, the hockey stick

So, just to cut up dumb Marge for posterity, she believes that GOD sent the rains to Burning Man, but they are also being brainwashed to believe it was global warming. So, God sent a weather portent to teach a lesson, but actually not teach people anything at all, because He should have known about the climate science fuckery ahead of time, bein' God and all.  He could have probably left shit alone in that case. Or maybe did science harder. I dunno. Not my circus and the simians in MTG's brain sure as heck ain't my monkeys. But what she's saying doesn't just make her look dumb, she's implying God is dumb, too.

But what I will note for posterity is: she does not make any sense at all. Maybe, and this isn't the first time I noticed it, she's just dumb as hell. She doesn't know shit and can't be taught. My word. Just uncapable to do congressional stuff at all. 


Comrade Misfit said...

MTG couldn't outthink a stone. Meatball Ron is a bright guy who has concluded that his route to power is to play to the ignorant racists, homophobes and the Christian Taliban. But MTG is just fucking dumb. I don't believe that, if you removed the labels from a map, that she could pick out her home state.

Dan Kleiner said...

empty gee-R (steroids)

she REALLY doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about. like, ever. problem is, in the fact-free environment enabled by fox news and the fascist gop, she flourishes.

Vixen Strangely said...

I started off thinking that when she would say stuff like "gazpacho police", she was trying too hard to seem relatable to uneducated voters, so they would look past her being a silver-spoon bully and find her vulnerable. Then I realized...no, that was NOT IT.

Richard said...

She is just so stupid. She is a product of her culture, but that is no excuse for being this stupid. I think she knows exactly what she is doing.

Dan Kleiner said...

richard, in her culture, there's no penalty for being stupid. but there IS one for being too intelligent (or intelligent at all). in her fascist fever swamp, intelligence=intellectual=(((globalist))).

Vixen Strangely said...

What Dan says--I've been following up on the wreck of education in FL and the superintendent of schools in OK, and it looks like they've got buy-in to adopt Prager U as a part of their education platforms. Problem is, it's sheer indoctrination and ignorance. It's a conscious choice to misinform their kids. I'm seeing anti-vax and anti-climate change as being in the same bucket as creation "science" and the persistence of "white-washing" (how's that for a phrase?) Civil War/ante-bellum South history. The party of "Facts don't care about your feelings" have some pretty negative feelings about "inconvenient truths."

Green Eagle said...

I have seen as recently as today wingnut claims that the hockey stick was a left wing hoax. No lie ever dies on the right. Nobody who tells these lies is ever held responsible for the damage they do.

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