Sunday, August 27, 2023

CPAC Is Embroiled in a Schlapp Fight


The problem with CPAC isn't whether Matt Schlapp is a closeted queer man, although it's starting to get fishy--but whether he's an abusive individual who takes advantage of others regardless of gender for his sexual gratification and is also a liar who uses organization funds for his own shit. The resignations of other CPAC officials and their claims indicate Schlapp is a problem, but I would say the other problem is the overcompensation CPAC has come to represent: The Orbanist, happily self-proclaiming "Domestic Terrorist" side of the organization. 

Why are we so extreme, CPAC? Something up? Because this looks like a troubled child organization acting out because things are bad at home with their leadership. 

You know what this reminds me of though? Veritas and Little Jimmy O'Keefe. Well, he used to be cute and young once, but he and Project Veritas went to pot, mostly because O'Keefe was a self-involved grifter. There always were warning signs. Right from the revelation that the ACORN nonsense was B-roll and smearing. The CNN fuckyacht? The weird wiretapping thing.  Wait, not that one, the other one. And the stolen diary

The right wing has just an awful lot of grifters. dark money slopping all over the place to support who all knows what, but they've also sometime got the little guys rooting for orgs that are fronting by whole freaks. 

It's something you think the hoi polloi on the right would be more interested in--since it's their investment, too. But they don't even care if their political party is lead by a grifting pussy-grabber, so I would be obviously expecting a lot. 


Grung_e_Gene said...

The allegations against Schlapp were involved one hell of an evocative descriptor "pummeled". But, the thing is Schlapp did massive damage starting with being part of the Brooks Brothers riots in 2000 in Florida to help Bush stela the Presidency. His antics and actions since then were in service of the vile rightwing agenda of intolerance and hatred and the advance of Fascism.

Likewise, with James O'KKKeefe and his attack on Acorn.

Or any of these rightwing lowlifes who grab the stage do massive damage to the Nation and then when they are exposed the rightwing Wurlitzer simply churns out a new one.

Vixen Strangely said...

The weirdest thing to me about the wingnut welfare system is that while conservatives can think of any number of reasons even decent working poor people need to eat dirt, the most shameless humans accepting big money to be unscrupulous bottom-feeding ratfuckers and noisome whattabout artists who confuse the narrative of real news rather than revealing it, are rewarded. It's like there's nobility in the fall into the most cynical and shitfaced morass because it means one has surrendered as much as possible to the wingnut cause. Logic. Reputation. Trump's mugshot is celebrated because he, the Great White Dope, is fussing against the supposed Left Elitists and the Deep State. Also known as constitutional civil servants supporting the country's laws and upholding the letter and reality of the important shit, in the face of a whole party turning very weird.

Vixen Strangely said...

O'Keefe and Schlapp ain't shit, in the vernaular. But their qualitative "ain't shitness" seems to win them valuable MAGA points. They are scoundrels, but this is supposedly necessary to the Cause. When it starts to seem like The Cause itself is a system for furthering ain't shitness. To exactly no other purpose. White Supremacists can celebrate their lack of melanin in privilege and without being shit. Rich folks can swan about richly without ever being in the shit. But they are rarely called on their shit. When a Schlapp, an O'Keefe, or a Trump, is called on their shit, the wagons circle, because the echelon they exist in is full of shit.

And this is why they call making it to the top of the pile "Suck Cess." When any normal person would consider it proper to suck less.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...