Saturday, September 9, 2023

Musk is a Dangerous Prat


There was a moment when I almost liked Musk. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, realizing climate change was a problem, wanting to spread our species across at least the solar system. It felt idealistic to me in a way--maybe I saw in him a touch of D. D. Harriman, I don't know. 

But then I realized he was a prat. 

It's the anti-woke stuff, you know. The idea that the "woke-mind virus" or diversity is going to prevent us from being a multiplanetary species is sheer twattery. We aren't actually going to be able to do it any other way.*

But anyway, Apartheid Clyde recently achieved a new low in a recent accelerating downward trajectory--no, not the thing where he's blaming ADL for his losing the multiple billions of dollars of value in Twitter that are actually his own stupid fault for letting the fascists and fucking child porn people back on his platform, but also destroying functionality (like analytics) and making people senselessly pay for things that were free and actually increased productive engagement. 

No, I mean the sabotage of a Ukrainian naval mission because he's a prat. 

Imagine being a contractor who decides to go so entirely outside of one's lane as to contact Russian authorities having been apprised of Ukrainian intent to do anything, and then believe the war criminals and just shut down the service they were contracted for. 

Do you think the heads of Lockheed Martin for a moment ever stop and go "You are using HIMARS for war stuff?! WTF!?" 

Starlink was intended for this connectivity. Ukraine was invaded by Russia--not the other way about. They have had schools and hospitals hit. Russia is indiscriminate about who they kill--it's fucking genocide. It even goes down to attempts to erase Ukraine identity, language and history, and stealing their children.  Naval vessels are a legitimate target of war. But here is dopey prat Elon trying to explain what he did:

Oh noes, I was supposed to be a war contractor, not a WAR contractor. Of course you'd be complicit in doing the job the business was hired for. The point of which was to stop the Russian fleet from killing Ukrainians and carrying out the business of embargoing grain shipments to mostly the global south. So Musk saved exactly no one (Russia pretends they are going to do nuclear shit, it's prats that believe them) and told what should have been contractually secret shit (I would entirely imagine) to people he had no business talking to, to fuck up what might have ENDED THE WAR. And so the Russian Navy can fucking still be a global problem WRT starving Africans. (They will still be major influencers killing them, somehow, even in the absence of Wagner--this I have no trouble seeing them allocate for.)

This isn't a case of Musk exceeding his "paygrade"--he hasn't one. It's being totally outside of his lane. He should have left the strategy to the strategists and the diplomacy to the diplomats, but he decided he had to be the Main Character. 

The Main Character is a villain.  I don't know what the solution is: nationalize Starlink and Space X? 

I do know I don't trust Musk for shit anymore. Forget the "woke mind virus" stopping us from becoming a multiplanetary species, I am starting to believe this fool is going to do it by Kessler Syndroming us because he won't get off the ketamine and go to a REAL FUCKING THERAPIST FOR HIS PROBLEMS.

And that is why he is a dangerous prat.

*In the somewhat disappointing Luc Besson joint "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" (redeemed in part by Rhianna and one outstanding montage), this is what tears me up:

Or the legacy of Gene Roddenberry and the Vulcan concept of "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations". (I've considered getting a tattoo of that.) There's just no place for Space Nazis.


Richard said...

I don't understand the Elon Musk cult. A few of my friends just loved him. They would say- oh look there is a Tesla! It is the future!
I just never trusted him. "I told you so" is not a good way to be, but in this case it is true.

Ten Bears said...

I've been trying to get people to look at the bigger picture, beyond inconveniencing there ability to twit ... he has effectively shut down dissent in authoritarian regimes around the world. I wonder how much money China paid him to do that?

Ukraine is mostly Jewish. That sums up selling them out

Stick a bone in its' nose and send it back to Africa

Vixen Strangely said...

Exactly--for me, Twitter is just "not so much fun anymore"--but considering we went from "Arab Spring" assisted by social media to Saudi sentencing a man to death for dissenting Tweets when he has all of ten followers, we are seeing a silencing in which a fan of authoritarians (no "free speech absolutist") is helping close the door on freedom.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Musk is a Nazi, the X is a thinly-veiled stand-in for the swastika.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...