Sunday, September 10, 2023

President Biden and World Infrastructure (UPDATED)


Go on ahead and tell me how old my President is, and I will note for the record he made infrastructure week real here in the United States and has now moved on at the G20 to make it real for the world. We want a technological tide that lifts all boats, and leaves no nation left behind in a future of prosperity and peace.  

This might get lost in the flotsam and jetsam of the political moment: it shouldn't be. The access to high speed internet, to communications support, to technology is a form of freedom. Just as the access to plumbing increases life span, the access to the world opens up mental and social bandwidth, encourages the sharing of ideas, can be used to move us forward. 

In the comments of the last post I noted that the gatekeepers of social media can engineer freedom or authoritarianism on a whim. I still want to believe social media can be a great democratizing force for good--to expose the abuse of power and the violation of human rights. To build moral consensus. To reveal our human condition, each to each.  

The same with travel. There is nothing like broadening your horizons to broaden your mind. 

Don't get fooled by a handshake: Amtrak Joe gets what can be. Just let him cook. We know who a real world leader is. 


Why do folks still say stuff like "campaigning from the basement?" 

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