Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Marge and Russia First


I really don't know why she's this way because I don't think there's much overlap in the Venn diagram of her thinkery and mine, but she seems to have no concept whatsoever of how our historical alliances were formed or why they were and is willing to do something Trump fucked with and Putin would love because she is incapable of appreciating why alliances are good, and fucking with them because of your daddy issues is abhorrent. The entire history of the 20th and early 21st century for her is null set. She supports "AMMMUURRUCA FUUURST" in the sense of assuming the US interests lie in not having alliances, as if we did not have interests, because she's too unaware of what our international priorities might be. 

She represents one of the obvious dangers of democracy--she was voted in by people who do not seem to appreciate she has no forebrain. She doesn't have the concept of right and wrong to know that the invader of a sovereign nation (Putin, WRT Ukraine) is in the wrong, and that European nations have noticed that he has in Georgia, in Ukraine, in Belarus, been exceptionally Fucking Around, and people in the countries nearby have become NATO curious in the hopes that Putin would get Finding Out. 

She doesn't have the flexibility of mind to appreciate why Europe feels the way they do, or why in the name of small "d" democracy we generally do or would as a nation. 

She is a fucking idiot, to put it nicely. I actually am obscene enough in my vocabulary to express how I feel about her stupidity in more explicit terms, including how Putin's dick must melt on her tongue. It must feel like a warm watch battery. She doesn't understand what it means that they bombed maternity hospitals, schools, places marked "children", that the Russians rape and kidnap and castrate and worse. They are war criminals--not the people to side with!

Is she really representative of her district--do they know who she is?  Because what she represents is monstrous--whether ignorantly or not. 


But I really need to know why Republicans are so hot to support Putin over Ukraine? Zelenskyy doesn't need to talk about peace, the invader has to withdraw and make peace happen. Otherwise, the only answer is death to the invader. Why is this man stupid about who started what and who needs to fucking answer for it? Is basic knowledge not a requirement of being a Republican representative? 

Because I think basic knowledge is a requirement of being a representative of our country, and GOP is failing in this all the time! 


Ali Redford said...

I hate to admit that Sen. Marshall is one of my senators. He says what he thinks will bring in the money. He actually achieved an MD, practiced for a while, then in the fashion of former Sen. Frist, took over a hospital and bled it dry before dropping it, getting into Republican politics, and getting his brain sucked out (making a longer story shorter,) thanks to the usual funders of KS Republicans. Marshall has gone to the darker side, so maybe the Kochs will find someone who hasn't gotten their brain cavity filled with evil. Anyway, that's Sen. Marshall for ya. He hasn't paid much attention to his voters since he got up to DC; he just makes Trump-like noise and works to kill progress.

Kwark said...

Sometimes I think MTG knows full well this kind of shit is stupid and only does it because of the strings attached to the money laundered Russian cash sloshing around the Republican party. BUT I'm torn because she so frequently demonstrates such an amazingly malevolent level of ignorance and stupidity; shared, unfortunately, with too many of her constituents.

Vixen Strangely said...

I sometimes wonder why my social media footprint only has the size it does when I've been at this thing I do for so long, while trying to do it accurately and have realized to my discontent that there is a value in being loud and wrong. People engage with loud and wrong. People take sides about loud and wrong. I wake up and try to start every day just being accurate if a bit obscene. Other folks get up and are wrong as hell and prosper madly for it. MTG, like Trump and his weird misspelled oddly capitalized Tweets back in the day--has discovered the value of "Wrong" on the internet.

You know what I'm talking about:

Get a million views of people saying you are sofa king wrong, and you win!

MTG and other Republicans have also discovered the One Weird Toddler Trick of Oppositional Defiance--whatever Democrats anywhere are for, they are against. They don't need actually compelling reasons based in facts or reason or morality or "something something go sleepybyes now foreign policy is hard". Being anti-whatever the "Other Side" is for is reason enough.

I am equal parts disgusted by this dynamic and eternally fascinated. Here I am. Weirdly trying to make sense when yikes! all the senselessness.

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