Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Minivan Taliban Are Being Fascist Again


Oh hey! Um, the freedom mommies went fascist again, and this time, they singled out Jewish people as if the Jewish people who are Americans weren't really Americans because they think this is a Christian nation and I guess they think all the Jews should go live in Israel and be Meggido'd. But I'm also going to be exactly the kind of person who points out that the last thing the quote says is seriously 14 words-compatible

They are talking about the survival of the Christian nation and their kids not being exposed to information that makes them doubt the cult of anti-science bullshit they are about to be raised in. 

The freedom mommies started by being bullshit about vaccinations, masks and school shutdowns (and I could go on a rant about fascist eugenics and the cult of clean blood but I could write a book about that and won't), probably because having kids at home impacted on their ability to daydrink and parent badly. Now, these assholes want to be fucked up because they have to explain complicated facts to their kids like gay people just love people who are the same sex as them and transpeople also use bathrooms. You know--easy explanations for shit that isn't hard. 

This is why they decided Jews are scary and probably pogroms will have to happen. Because they got momentarily inconvenienced into caring for their fucking kids, and they still don't, because they are doing this signifying shit, and probably have no idea where their kids are while they are being about FREEEEEDUMB!. But they RILLY RILLY care about their kids so much. They won't do anything about like, school shooters or poor kids getting fed or shit like that. But they will totally stop your LGBT kid from feeling like a loving community exists and probably make your POC child feel like something is missing from their history lesson, but not from their schoolyard bullying. Also too, they love quoting Hitler and being Hitler adjacent. Apparently.

(We love this game. Conservatives get to be fascists, and pretend that when you call them out on the fascism, they were only playing. It has never been cute.) 

These idiots are the reason I will never, never feel like a selfish monster for not having kids. These special beings squirted out kids and suck so hard. 


Dan Kleiner said...

yeah. they've been playing the same game for quite a while. sometimes the mask slips, sometimes they pretend they don't need a mask, but it's LITERALLY the same argument the illinois nazis were using forty three years ago.

"the jew is using the black as muscle against you. and you are left there helpless!"

same. old. story.

Vixen Strangely said...

The fascist dialogue is ever about fearmongering. The trans panic about bathrooms and sports is about putting a wedge into LGBTQ solidarity, and starting a wedge with straights about how there's something dodgy about that--and even some gay folks admit it! And maybe we'll start with a little Soros-mongering, but it becomes a full-fledged replacement theory! They use a little hate against "some people who..." like yeast. It rises into murder. And I really don't think the "freedom mommies" are opposed to murder. They wait on the reveal of the identities of the victims.

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