Thursday, May 18, 2023

The GOP on George Santos


George Santos has been indicted, so the Ethics Committee (which was investigating Santos) is not doing shit.  AFAIK they defer to DOJ. So this was a "pass" on the GOP admitting that corruption offends them, which is obvious, because they support Justice Thomas being the beneficiary of billionaire support and Donald Trump despite his several indictments and potential indictments and civil trials.

There is nothing new here. The GOP decided a long time ago that the problem with Watergate was anyone ever admitting there was a problem and not all staying hush. Bill Barr organized a mass pardon for all the Iran-Contra folks. Intelligence failures and other problems that lead us into the Iraq War post-9/11 and little details like our treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, Bahram Air Base, Abu Ghraib, were swept away.  Tapes were burned, investigations quashed. 

It's been my whole life I don't trust Republicans, and frankly, I never will. For frauds and corruption little and big. Even the "good" ones lack the gunas to be great ones and try to fix their stupid, corrupt, amoral specter-infested White/Christian Nationalist ridden bullshit party. 

They can't even toss out a freshman congressman who pled guilty to stealing a checkbook in Brazil just a minute ago. 

They hype the nothingburger of a Durham report and conveniently forget everything that was in the Senate Intelligence several-volumes report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

They know the truth, but they can't even come clean, fix their house, expel the troublemakers. They stay loyal despite knowing they stand for shit that is dumb and wrong. Too afraid to admit the dumb wrongness. Like Nikki Haley, unable to call out Trump's sexual assault or note the challenges his various scandals pose for him. This is no way for her to challenge an opponent in a primary. Or any other creature of the GOP. Pence. DeSantis. They can't come for open corruption directly. They swim in those waters too much themselves. 

Their corruption is without bottom--and it should all be considered viable election material. What are they going to do--sue for defamation? Against the truly real things--no. They would not. 

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