Wednesday, May 17, 2023

I see Stupid People, But They Don't Know They're Stupid


Do the big fucking Nazi tattoos confuse Elon, here? Because to the extent we have a potential motive, it looks like this shithead was fucked up about Asians. Also, Musk wants to pretend his weird Twitter obsession is somehow like Inigo Montoya but I don't think Elon's father got killed by the woke mind virus or he's doing anything especially brave by being a shitposter. An actually shit, shitposter. 

But whatever. In other annals of stupid, MTG thinks Tortuguita killed a trooper instead of the other way about:

 She lives in Georgia. And she got it exactly backwards. She says she """studies left-wing extremism""". She doesn't study anything. Can she even read?  She is aggressively wrong. Weaponized stupid.  

Also, too, here's some more Taterhead, because my laws, this is Taterheadery:

Let's just not have elections anymore from the guy who didn't know the three branches of government when he was running and thinks white supremacists are just MAGA patriots. Maybe what he's missing is that Durham was a prosecutor and could have prosecuted people if he thought he had a case and he didn't because as a prosecutor he knew he'd be laughed out of court even more than he's already getting laughed at for his "sternly-worded nitpick" of a report. 

I'm just saying: damn. This degree of stupid. 

It's hard to concentrate on the evil when it's aligned with this much sheer dumbassery. Pray for us bloggers now and until the hour of our just shutting this whole covering the human stupidity beat down. 


Ali Redford said...

You know, this reminds me of when my stepmom (who could sing well) told me that people who sing just slightly off-key (usually in comedy) are actually pitch-perfect singers who practice to get the teeth-grindingly awful tones perfect, for the laughs and fun.

I'm not sure all these people are as stupid as we think they are. I can't fathom that they're figuring this propaganda out for themselves, by any stretch. I do think they practice their deliveries to get it all perfect so their targets will take it in simply because the targets believe these awful people who've become part of US government. There's no difference in the amount of danger they pose, either way. I just worry about regular-people voters thinking that these legislators are gonna run with scissors or walk into the street without looking or something, and then no longer be a problem. I sometimes worry about complacency on that.

Green Eagle said...

Our entire political live has devolved to fighting off one obscene Republican assault on decency after another. Outrages like these occur every single day, and Republicans have learned to weaponize them to drain the energy from every decent person in the country, while behind the scenes they use the government to do the bidding of their sociopathic billionaire backers.

Vixen Strangely said...

I take your point, and I admit, Musk and MTG are vicious propagandists (I think Tuberville really is pretty damn stupid though) and that they are lying or, shall we say "purposefully mis-truthing" strikes me as not improbable, but I've come to take the stance that "Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity."

And for me, it works because evil is just...dumb, usually a gross misallocation of resources and a waste of good will and effort, but also to undermine what makes this flavor of propagandist successful. It's not just that the propagandist is saying something easily fact-checked or blatantly messed-up--it invokes the anti-cachet of being "Dumb by association". Contact stupid, as it were. They have bedbugs, intellectual cooties, moral herpes. Why would anyone follow a person who wouldn't know a fact even if it crawled onto their nose and sang "I'm a little factoid, hear me shout, here is my context, right in your snout."

Vixen Strangely said...

I'm tired of the daily outrages and think the proper answer is slapstick and seltzer. They are evil clowns and we're funnier.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Remember as Republicans get more and more open and vociferous in their Fascism we aren't but an errant election away from them melding State Power with train cars leading to concentration camps. Lone SKum will gladly build a tunnel train to transport for Major Traitor Greene's list of Enemies of America.

Vixen Strangely said...

I will gladly fill the tunnel with burned out Teslas so nothing goes through and no one forgets that Musk is a dolt. MTG may be a Boss Karen, but she's still a middle-aged harpy trying to ask for life's manager with her list of complaints because she can't make peace with herself. Some of their power is what gets lent to them in unearned respect.

Ali Redford said...

Contact stupid is perfect! And Tuberville, yeah. I bet he has to drill for hours every day to spit that stuff out "right."

Anonymous said...

How does one post an article about pure, dumb-ass stupid talk and not include something from the ever stupid talking Louisianan Senator Kennedy?

spirilis said...

Like Ms Redford It is very hard for me to believe that this level of stupidity could be real. A Mobius strip of intelligence or complete lack thereof.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the Democratic controlled Senate do something about Tuberville?
He just called for ending our democracy.

Censure him, exclude him from committees, run tv commercials with the civil war casualties for each county in his state.
Fight damn it.

Anonymous said...

I think that to get your name on a federal ballot, you have to get a passing grade on the exact same test that a foreigner applying for US Citizenship has to take.

It’s an existing test, so there would be no development cost, and there are tutorials, study guides, and even classes available at minimal cost.

Vixen Strangely said...

I love the idea of people taking a citizenship test in order to participate in that citizenship, especially when I muse on those instances where people who think they are constitutional conservatives seem VERY MAD about what the constitution actually says.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...