Thursday, May 11, 2023

Tommy Taterhead Calls them "Americans"


It's pretty sick that one US Senator can, in pure self-regard and partisan signifying, decide to create a national security problem because he wants to impose limits on the rights of women in the military to seek reproductive care. It really seems to me like he wants to favor the recruitment of white supremacist men over capable women who might be concerned that the US government will be happy to let them serve, but won't have their back over their reproductive choices. 

He prefers potential domestic terrorist bigots over women who are not potential domestic terrorists, but just might want abortions for absolutely personal reasons. 

And let me point out that white supremacists are a real problem, and definitely include people who have served in the US armed forces and were not necessarily expeditiously drummed out. And are capable of being radicalized to the point of actual domestic terrorism.  

Taterhead goes on to be more explicit in his love of the white nationalists, to call them "MAGA". Well sure. I agree. MAGAs are somewhat like the Klan, but why are you thinking this is good, Senator? 

Are we just no longer copacetic that the Klan is bad? I mean, all the Twitter dipshits who post "Southern Democrats invented the Klan hur dur dur" are obviously free to eat farts, because why did all the southern states suddenly become red states and why does the Klan endorse Trump--right? 

Is this the problem good little MAGA soldiers have with the military and call them "woke" because they are trying to weed out the Mauricio Garcias? Because to be honest, weeding out potential problematic people is exactly the right thing to do. Is the military wrong to want to prevent the white supremacist equivalent of the Fort Hood mass shooting? 

I feel like an American in good standing is one who recognizes the value and contribution of all our citizens and would not damage the institution of our military for partisan reasons because love of country should eclipse that. Tuberville is...not doing that. 


Central Texas Dem said...

Fort Hood is now Fort Cavasos, G-d bless America.

Ten Bears said...

Yes, yes indeed, bless its' heart ...

I take solace in the knowledge that most of Alabama, like Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, won't be around much longer. Only take another foot of sea-level rise.

I used tell people to grow thicker skin, now I suggest getting as cold-blooded as they are ...

Dan Kleiner said...

dude is holding up the promotions of scores of officers who will walk if their careers stall, which will be horrendously damaging the competence and institutional memory of our armed forces, but SURE, it's DEMOCRATS who are attacking the military.

maaaan, they're really not sending us their best. to think we went from doug jones to this fucking brain-dead, fascist log.

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