Wednesday, March 8, 2023

This Is the Modern GOP


The next time someone hits you with how the Democratic party was a part of segregation or slavery or the Klan some long time ago, here is your answer: the GOP right now can't say "Boo" with respects to their racists. They see calling out white supremacy or the great replacement theory as a trap. Given the easy opportunity to denounce white supremacy, they did not. Given the opportunity to denounce replacement theory they could not. 

This is who they are. 

Also today, Sen. Tom Cotton revealed he doesn't know what end is up regarding our national threat level. He repeatedly asked whether domestic terror was an actual threat, as if incredulous.  (This isn't new, BTW.)  (Not the whole hell new at all. )  Why would he find this hard to believe? (Although he also questioned whether climate change was really a national security priority, so obviously, he has sand in his gears. ) I think it's because he is one of those people who suffers from the categorical error of seeing identity as morality instead of action--as in, he finds it really hard to imagine the problem with terrorism in America could be about white folks. No matter what the white folks get caught doing. 

(He is famously confused about how Iran expanded its nuclear capability and his involvement in it. He could stand to have less confidence in his opinions than he actually has until he bothers to learn how anything actually works.) 

And a little bit of abject appeasement coming from the Daddy of the GOP, Donald Trump, has been suppressed. Trump swears he could solve the problem of Russia and Ukraine so easily. What he means is giving Ukrainian land to Russia. Appeasement. Cowardice. Fealty to Putin. What else would we expect? Yeah, He's Putin's bitch, and so are so many of his rotten little treason-party, like MTG and McCarthy, who now wants to pretend he doesn't know what is and isn't a blank check. 

The modern GOP is hard to take seriously, except as a domestic terrorist threat, because they are hardly a governing party. They seem to have no interest in upliifting their constituents, improving anyone's life, building a bridge to anywhere at all. 

I don't even feel bad for those stuck in this awful party. They made their procrustean beds and can lie there. It's a shame they didn't understand other options were also available. 

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