Wednesday, March 8, 2023

TWGB: I, Too, Hate Trump Passionately


While Tucker Carlson has been entrusted with the 1/6 footage and is doing his best to show as little of the American carnage as he actually potentially could, a funny thing leaked out from the Dominion defamation case against Fox News: Tucker Carlson hates Donald Trump passionately

Whatever my differences with Carlson--boy, do I get that one! Trump is a shaved ape wedged into a badly fitting suit. He has the verbal finesse of a clever toddler and the instincts of a zoo-raised silverback--just madly jerking off and beating his chest to the applause of people who enjoy that sort of thing. 

This becomes a TrumpWorld Grab-Bag when you pause to consider that Fox News made Trump, the President, a thing. Would we have had Trump, the President, without Fox News? I'm not so sure. I think CNN and others gave Trump a platform and took him seriously because they wanted to see what Fox News was supposedly looking at. To connect with those viewers that they thought Fox had captured. Simple suburban and rural and exurban folks of the land. The common clay of the American experience. You know. 

I mean. You know.

Anyway, Murdoch hated the hell out of Trump after a bit too, because he was mad as a very mad thing, he was. Not so mad you couldn't still pretend he was fit to be president for ratings after all, but still, obviously mostly compost-mentos, right? That feels good and irresponsible, and definitely not like the sentiments of a someone who cared about whether the US was in a whole crisis because some people were lied to about an election and were about to get very ugly and violent. 

He kind of got that that was a likely outcome, But the ratings, though. So why not pretend to support compost-brains a little more? 

So, what if Sidney Powell and Maria Bartiromo exchanged the rantings of a woman who was internally beheaded and a ghost who received missives from the winds as their proof that the election was stolen by Dominion, with the Venezuelan software etc.?  It was obviously inspirational opinion-journalism, not batshit conspiracy theory, right? 

Huh. Look, I am going to have to go with, if the supposed opinion journalists of Fox News are this Chiclet-headed, maybe folks should chew on something besides their cud-like ruminations. 

I really hope the entire foundation of that organizations gets sued to the sub-basement. Their lies should be seen as open to litigation as Trump is for inciting the 1/6 riot, and their disregard for the truth should open them to suits from Ray Epps and the Estate of Brian Sicknick, just as they were sued by the family of Seth Rich. Apparently, Fox News won't learn anything until they have become financially fucked over. 

So I am for that. Anything that stops their incessant and harmful propagandizing. 

ADDENDUM: I'm just like, how bad can a defamation suit get? The more I see, the more I wonder if Fox is still gonna stay standing. 

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