Monday, August 22, 2022

TWGB: The Clown Suit


I got home from work and discovered to my joy upon hitting up Twitter at the dinner table (don't judge!) that Trump, pro se!  (something, something, idiot for a client) had filed for a bad court thingy against the federal government for being big meanies and taking his precious. 

I mean, the search warrant was as very warranted as a very warranted thing, if you go by the standards of: the FBI actually got reams of the sort of thing they went in to retrieve because it was, in fact, holed up where the informant(s) claimed they were. But Trump has various objections to this standard 4A process, to wit:

1) I was complying in every way possible except for handing over all the docs and actually lying about still having them.

2) It's very unfair to bring politics into this, but DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?

3) Did you know this would make my superfans really angry? You won't like them when they are angry!

4) I want to know exactly which of the things you've actually taken, that were in my basement for a year and half, which I fully acknowledge probably are sensitive and I have been through and took deliberately, because I want to know which obstruction of justice bits I've got to hedge myself against. Because, like, woof! So much obstruction of justice for so many things! Please, with a quickness. Even though I took two weeks to ask. It's hard to keep track.

5) So go after this stuff with a special master, because you obviously weren't already sifting through this by popular request, because I was president for four years and still have no idea how classified material handling works. Also, I'm claiming executive privilege even if I am a) not the president anymore as I should have totally absorbed by now and b) the National Archives should be handling EP stuff. Yes, this is an admission that I stole White House shit. So, sue me!  I mean don't. THEY WERE MY PRECIOUS!

6) I voluntarily accepted service of a subpoena which proves DOJ was working with me, and I didn't run away from the process or even hide in one of my many beautiful hiding spaces at Mar-A-Lago, which are as incredibly beautiful as they are very smart! Very clever! I have the best hiding spaces for service process hide and go seek, ask anyone. 

It's really as self-defeating as an inept thing that various unprepared lawyers would sort of sign on to but also kind of not as an inept thing could be. But look, in a world where Kash Patel is telling people Trump can magically declassify all the things so long as there is a witness present (like, a character witness? I mean....) when the classification part has no bearing on the "stolen" part, you know we are in clown country. 

And in the meanwhile-why no! Not all of the American people are even mad about Trump getting raided. They think maybe taking top secret docs and putting them in your basement is weird. Go figure! The more you think about why he might have had those docs, the worse the picture looks--and I mean, have I not said? Lean into that--if it looks bad, it is bad. Sure, it could be obstruction of justice by trying to hide crimes. But maybe also extortion because information is leverage. He's all kinds of bad, that way. Maybe all the bad things you can think of, and even some bad things only he would think of.

The real deal is, Trump had more than 300 classified docs at his Florida home, and we don't even know if there's more he's got squirreled away, because he was actually moving things about.  This is disturbing.

But there are a lot of things that are disturbing about Trump and TrumpWorld, when you really pay attention--like understanding that the Mueller report got neutered and Barr is the guy with the scalpel. Like understanding that Trump's claims of election fuckery, even if he didn't succeed in getting his own election fail overturned, has possibly exposed our process for future fuckery.  Who do those things benefit? Not us. Not the American people. It serves anti-democratic forces. 

It serves Trump, because he used the title, the office, the trust invested in him, and our resources, as his own, for his own benefit. That's really all it comes down to. 

UPDATE: This sort of demolished the bullshit EP claims, already.  This is their area of expertise. Trump's area of expertise is...not this.

1 comment:

Spocko said...

Good stuff!
One of the things that is annoying is having to go through the "We all know that this isn't EP, but he is still claiming it line on BS social. The press read it like they read his every tweet. At least this time they were able to look at actual court docs. By crappy lawyers.
That will be disproven, but Boom another 2 weeks to get thrown out. He's running out the clock . It's what he does. Meanwhile raise money.

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