Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Loomer Apparently Lost to Webster--Didn't She? (Updated)


Dan Webster feels like a Tea Party-era relic. He's a homeschooling guy who has feelings about covenant marriage and was pitched as a replacement for John Boehner as Speaker of the house circa 2015 a couple times, but it came to naught. Anyways, he is well to the right of lots of folks. He's very anti-abortion and pro-keeping brain dead people on feeding tubes. And yet, he's a lot less problematic than Laura Loomer, who once chained herself to the Twitter HQ and doesn't quite understand why being a Jewish white supremacist has to be so hard. 

I'm going to go as out of the way as I possibly can about this and desperately avow I do not understand this district, because these people are awful and either one of them would probably have been a cinch to win the seat. How are people in this district ok with these choices? 

Also, too, Loomer might not think the thing is over and yet she is totally swimming in the support of the kind of people no rational soul should think is normal or good. This makes her a viable candidate for the GOP in the future. 

This party needs to be totally fucked up, if this is what flies with them. This is a candidate steeped in conspiracy theory, attention whoring and racism. And yet she did pretty well, considering. 

UPDATE: Carl Paladino, the Elise-Stefanik-backed "Trump of Buffalo", lost his primary in the NY district 23 primary, and that was also closer than it should have been and Paladino could have won--even though he is basically a thoroughly revolting person based on the trash that falls from his face on a regular basis. And this is the Republican party. Even when the vicious, bigoted people lose, you can see they still had their wells of support, and were not rejected to the extent they would be abandoned had they won their primaries. Oh no.  They are taking what they can get. It's a bad thing. 

UPDATE: Wow, Loomer is having a normal one. Well, for her version of "normal":

Now you all know, and I know, that even if she won the primary, that does not make her the winner of the general election and she would not yet be a congresswoman. But look at all the fun Trump-like claims--Webster is physically and mentally unfit. The GOP establishment is against me. Big Tech is against me. We're going scorched earth.

Against the Republican party, for not backing her. So she will invite her supporters to sit out the election (sort of the Lin Wood Georgia 2016 strategery--which was greeeeeaaaaatttt).  Deep in my blue little heart, any strategy that says that the system is so rigged that Republicans should just not participate sort of strikes me with a glee divine, a sort of sense of cosmic recompense for the wages of unholy campaign fuckery on their own part. 

But it's also sad. Look at this baby-child tantrum:

This is not a mature person who could perform as a US Representative. She doesn't even seem to know the primary from the general election. No adult in the room has told her to sit her uninformed ass down. Has anyone addressed that she seems to be unbalanced? The GOP isn't fucking weeding these people out, and they will be dangerous to the party. I don't hate that, but I hate what this kind of disfunction means to our civil society. It's like the gatekeepers up and retired, and just permissive stupid moneychangers run the GOP temple. This party sucks, the music is bad and the food is inedible.  If you can't do better than let racist barbarians and unstable people run rampant, shut the whole thing down.  

There is no good reason to support the currently constituted Republican party. This is their mess. They need to spend time in the wilderness cleaning it up before they can ever be useful in power. 

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