Tuesday, July 12, 2022

TWGB: The 1/6 Committee Is Getting Very Close

Just as the 1/6 Committee hearing was underway, I saw Mother Jones dropped a story regarding leaked audio from Steve Bannon from before Election Day, explaining that Trump was just going to claim he won regardless of the outcome. Because that was always the plan/

They aren't exactly ahead of the reporters, the 1/6 Committee, because a lot of what I'm hearing now, I know I knew either contemporaneously or from later investigative reporting, but now it's even more substantiated. And I don't feel in the least jaded. My word! 

Tie the latest thing about Steve Bannon's speculation that denying the election results and claiming they were always rigged via Mother Jones (which he was always going to do, c'mon, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see that) with the revelation that Trump was calling Bannon pre-1/6, and this was exactly where his podcast's claim that all hell was going to break loose came from. That's a sign that Trump was directing his flying monkeys in the right- wing media system to send troops where he wanted them. (The 1/6 Committee video of this was effective.) 

This has echoes of Julian Assange's suggestion in 2016 to Don Jr. that it might be more interesting if his father lost, because he would then be able to create fuckery by claiming the system was rigged. It also serves to remind us that "Stop the Steal" was created by Roger Stone in 2016 for just that kind of fuckery. What we have is a big picture coming into focus.

What the Committee is doing best right now is hammering home the points that need to be made--for example, that Trump did not win in 2020 and had no good reason to think he did. It is being reiterated that the serious people with the serious people jobs who have no good reason to lie are saying Trump lost and had no legal remedy for that, and it is the crazy people like Powell, Giuliani and Flynn who are trying to produce theories and affidavits that are not actually evidence of anything. 

This is a good thing to reiterate for the benefit of the true believers in the Big Lie, which includes, um, many candidates for various positions all over the country including things like Attorney General, Secretary of State, and for crying out loud, Governor. Welp. If they believe in or are counting on the Big Lie adherence to be the thing that coasts them over the finish line, it would be good for people to know it is, in fact, a big old lie. And condemn these hacks for being either stupid or fucking liars. Or maybe a bit of both.

They are also pointing out that some of the people around Trump are fucking liars. Mark Meadows is. He told the sober-minded folks Trump would come around and exit gracefully, but I'm pretty sure based on his texts with Ginni Thomas that he was the one holding open the Oval Office door for the 12/18 crazies--Flynn, Powell (who was led to believe she was getting a security clearance and an independent counsel sinecure), the Overstock guy who shagged Maria Butina, and had everything devolve into potential fisticuffs. Feels like Meadows is a bit culpable for opening the door to the crazies, right? 

Feels like close to a dozen R. Congressmen got caught in a meeting regarding 1/6 beforehand, and that many R. Congresspeople knew beforehand some shit was going down. It really feels like these are people who should not stay in politics. They tried to overthrow a valid election by being assholes. That makes them a particular kind of oath-breaking liar. 

The 1/6 Committee also tied Flynn to the Oath Keepers (because of course.) And what did all the militia folks want?


If anyone wants to know why no Antifa were there, it was because anyone who knew who the players were from monitoring their telegram, etc sites, knew it was all militia people. Not business casual Klan, actual wannabe Civil War enactors. As an anonymous Twitter employee explained, they were watching a world leader call up a coup in real time. A Civil War. 

I've long been ready to call this behavior from a man who is not at all an impressionable child, an act of treason against the state that it was his duty to serve and protect. He chose instead to be a domestic enemy of the state. He induced others into his plot. 

I don't know how these hearings will finish up. but they have already laid out a damning picture for those who will simply look. And I take note that Trump is still committing obstruction of justice crimes by tampering with witnesses. If he has to be put away for obstruction charges, I'm for that! So long as he is safely removed from continuing to fuck with our body politic. 


Ten Bears said...

Why do people keep forgetting, or ignoring, that this was the 2016 plan: he wasn't supposed to "win". Clinton was supposed to be elected and Drumpf uck spend the next four or eight years on Faux News ogling the crotch-shots and bitching about how he had been cheated.

These are the things people paying attention knew then ...

Vixen Strangely said...

Trump's "job" in the 2016 election was to sow chaos and he succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dream. What gets me is his little fan club doesn't understand that if Russia backed him, it was never because he was going to be "good" for the US.

Dan Kleiner said...

for twenty six years, since the dawn of the fox era, the gop has been swimming in eliminationist rhetoric. they've ben primed to believe that democrats are demon-spawn who drink the blood of children.

there were all sorts of gop shirts in 2016 proclaiming "i'd rather be russian than a democrat." it's amazing how they all turned on a dime. the great red enemy, the soviet union only fell a mere five years earlier.

i don't think people get how pervasive and endemic the message is. liberals and leftists are always wondering why the right "votes against their interests" but if they think liberals and leftists are fire-spitting, hell-wrought creatures, then their stance becomes understandable.

...and it's not like the goons ever get the clear picture as to who the left is or where the left stands. they get nothing but fascist projection pounding into their ears and eyes constantly.

i mean, if you can argue with a straight face that a group called anti-fascist-action are the true fascists, then i mean, what the fuck?

i always wondered who do these assholes root for when they watch movies like saving private ryan but yeah, they think WE'RE the nazis.


Dan Kleiner said...

-eta: i meant the soviet union fell five years before fox news took to the airwaves.

Vixen Strangely said...

Yeah--the hearing brought up Civil War references and 1776 (that hearkens back to all the Tea party jerks with t shirts that read things like "The tree of liberty needs to be watered with blood of patriots" and stuff like that) as well as the "Day of the Rope" from The Turner Diaries, and there is also the Q notion of "The Storm" as well as the evangelical end times idea of a war of good and evil (where the secular left is definitely The Great Satan). There are a lot of different paths to the ultimate idea that the culture war is actually supposed to lead to a hot war, but between the gun stock piling and the literal demonization of liberal or presumed left-leaning institutions (like the media, or education) it's clear and probably pre-dated Fox News with the unholy alliance between the Religious Right and the GOP--they have a lot of violent ideation regarding just "the Left" to whatever degree. I know I'm saying that as a person who has "This blog kills fascists" as my header--but I mean, like fascists. I'm not looking to stomp a mudhole in, say, Susan Collins. But there's right wing folks who would happily take chunks out of, say, Chris Coons. We just are not the same kind of critters.

Ten Bears said...

Funny how they forget the rest of the clip ~ "The tree of liberty needs to be watered with blood of patriots ... and tyrants."

The First Longest Day

Some people will look at the above video and assume that the Ketamine Cowboy was just feeling very patriotic regarding the installation of h...