Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Steve Bannon and the Indefensible Contempt


You know, you could really laugh at all of Bannon's delay strategies not working yesterday, and actually, why not? After all, if I were going to explain his justification for missing the deadline to turn over information it would be "Simon Says"--Trump didn't say "Simon Says" (because of executive privilege) and therefore, Bannon wasn't doing. Even a child would understand that if Trump did not claim executive privilege, there is no "Simon says" conflict.

Also, even a child would recognize that Trump is no longer "Simon", but that's why we're still playing these games, isn't it? Some of the players haven't yet come to that very important distinction and have decided Trump should be "Simon for life".

It would be great if these grown people would realize they are not on a playground. 

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