Friday, March 25, 2022

TWGB: There's Something About Ginni


The thing that makes TrumpWorld what it is, is the sense of an alternative reality. It almost feels like they aren't drinking the same water or breathing the same air. I've been fascinated with Ginni Thomas as an activist in a world where we presume some degree of judicial impartiality but also consider SCOTUS justices based on partisan lines--and how she is an unabashed conservative warrior. A Tea Partisan. A supporter of Project Veritas. A conspiracy theorist

So, it doesn't actually surprise me that Thomas texted White House COS Mark Meadows running the full QAnon gamut regarding the Venezuelan voting machines, Italian satellites, Chinese thermostats, German servers, green clovers, blue diamonds, and the evil liberals who were after Trump's lucky charms and were definitely going to go to GITMO and face a military tribunal. 

She's been out there where the buses don't run for more than a minute. 

What is concerning is that she was talking with her "best friend"--her spouse, the temporarily, one presumes, hors de combat Justice Clarence Thomas, who was in a capacity to rule on matters concerning the contested election, and on matters concerning what documents became available to the 1/6 Committee.  And knowing of his wife's various intercessions on this issue, never thought to recuse. 

But the thing of it is, people like Ginni Thomas are still at work. Now, Mo Brooks, now that his endorsement by Trump has been rescinded, might be saying that despite Trump's continued entreaties, he was determined to draw the line at the impossibility of the election being somehow rescinded or done over after 1/6!? But ask yourself, how many other people besides Mo Brooks who have made the political pilgrimage to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the hem of the golf pants of St. Don might have vowed a path of continued fuckery?  After all, there are Trump supporters to this day who might acknowledge that Biden is president but draw the line at calling him "duly-elected"

And as for the mindset of Trump himself, he has taken it upon himself to sue everyone for the "rigging" of....2016?  The election he actually won? Because he blames the "Russia, Russia, Russia" thing for his uneasy time in a job he was not especially suited for. 

So clearly, more alternative reality, there, folks. It's a plague in TrumpWorld, you see. Or it's just a grift to garner attention and donations in that particular case. 

And don't get me started on all the reasons why Trump wanted to stay in the White House, but seems just as protected outside of it. I will scream. 


Ten Bears said...

I wonder who's casting votes on his behalf while he's out, in the hospital, with some reports having him on a ventilator? The Gestapo Court held a shadow vote two nights ago on the Wisconsin gerrymandering when he was clearly out of the box. Who cast his vote?

Vixen Strangely said...

There's a dark as hell scenario I have where Thomas would be kept on life support, Terri Schiavo-like, until whenever a Republican is next in office while they keep it a grim secret.

"But how is Justice Thomas today?"

(Flicks off fly.) "Looking better all the time!"

Dan Kleiner said...

that lawsuit is rebutted on every level and in every absurd assertion by the gop’s own senate intelligence committee report.

i was under the impression that filing a lawsuit with blatantly false claims leaves tbe lawyers filing the lies and the client they’re lying on behalf of, open to fines and other consequences.

Vixen Strangely said...

The claims are ridiculous, and the timing is wrong. It doesn't make sense that Trump's entire enemies list was conspiring against him because they just obviously weren't all in it together? How were Peter Strzok and Hillary Clinton on Team "get Trump"? And there's a 4 year SOL for federal civil cases and if the "hoax" started in 2016 and he won the election anyway, he's out of statute and the damages start getting harder to ascribe to anyone but Trump--like the Mueller investigation, which stemmed from his own obstruction of justice by firing Comey and the very real Russia investigation started by the report from a witness to George Papadopolous' drunken boasting. If Trump was an honest and innocent persona, why the multiple instances of obstruction of justice? He could have saved a ton of lawyer bills with good old transparency if he was certain he had nothing to hide--but he always behaved like someone who very much did.

To be considered a frivolous lawsuit, it helps that the suit is out of date, has claims that can't be adequately demonstrated, is overbroad, and is filed incompetently. Such a determination can result in the court assessing payment of the opposing side's legal fees and fines for the abuse. It isn't a great look.

I'm torn, though. On one hand, this should be laughed out of the system aa a testimony to Trump's impotent paranoia. On the other hand, it could serve as a wonderful reminder of all of Trump's various fuckeries.

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....