Wednesday, January 6, 2021

That Really Takes the Cannoli

I will probably have something to say about Georgia in the morning (something good it looks like!) but I saw this tonight and MYGODMYJAWWENTNUMBTHATSFUCKINGSTUPID. Um. At some point, you have to wonder if these folks are just all part of some massive, massive social experiment (I mean, obviously, that part, yes) that has clearly gone horrifically awry and needs to be ended for humanitarian reasons. Because when folks feel pretty good that they've heard some compelling evidence that Barack Obama and former Italian PM Matteo Renzi finagled an electoral Oceans Eleven with the help of Dominion because Sidney Powell says so, sweet suffering Jesus, they need help.

How impenetrable a wall of derp can a person reside within before they aren't even functional? Because if upon hearing that, a person doesn't have just a little, tiny voice inside them that says, "That feels like a reach" but instead has a loud voice that says "Woot! We cracked it for sure this time!" then, hot shit, I feel like they have to be suffering in other areas of their life. This isn't a plausible election-theft scenario--it's Mad Libs. It's clearly meant to undermine the idea of democratic government by shoehorning two western leaders' names into one far-fetched theory. 

How did critical thinking reach this low ebb? How much batshit do you have to mainline before you can knock this guano shot back without your body rejecting it? This I do not know, but I do know these people need a damn rhetorical detox. Life needs to snatch Powell and her little friends up hard, but I'd love to know where that originated.


mcfrank said...

I am as puzzled and, yes, horrified, as you.

As I told my partner earlier, I knew there were a lot of hate-filled people in the world, but I didn't know that so many of them are batshit crazy.

I watched a significant portion of the country embrace the "Q" conspiracies and was truly scared. I was truly confused by media coverage that looked upon QAnon as either just another minority political stand or, worse, as a bit of entertainment.

If I had to guess, I'd say that the embrace of conspiracy theories in politics is more about avoiding dealing with reality.

I don't know how Flat Earthers fit in though. (I partly blame the myth that Columbus set out to prove the world was round. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians knew the Earth was round and calculated just how big it was as well.)

mcfrank said...

By coincidence, one of next bits of wind down reading was this post positing that the teaching of nonsense to Evangelical children (in this case Hal Lindsey's Last Days prophecies) sets them up for a lifetime of believing untrue things.

Ten Bears said...

It was Hal Lindsey's stuff that got through to me: wo, that's a reach.

Funny how that shit sticks with you though, because I see End Times all around us.

Some solace though, G'ma's silver linings, something big is happening, could be the end of the world but whatever it is on the other side of it it isn't gonna' be this.

As I was admonishing my q-curious daughter just the other day, none of this matters if we don't do something about what we're doing to the atmosphere in the next ten years ...

I just don't think our grand-children are going to look kindly on us.

bt1138 said...

Oh, to remember the good old days!

Back when the Italians (and the Irish) were the ones not sending us their best people.

Chief Squirrel said...

It's unfathomable that 47% of the citizens actually believe chump's bullshit.
It's a failure of our school system to teach critical thinking?
The people who can’t find the right Four Seasons want you to believe they uncovered 40,000 fraudulent ballots in Philadelphia?

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me 20,000+ times then I'm a chump supporter - a confederacy of dupes and dunces. Worse still, his loyal, blind cult uses his lies to form unsupportable, insane beliefs. They put on their blinders and blissfully ignore facts. Nothing is more idiotic than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

bt1138 said...


I'm afraid that a fair percentage voted for him knowing he's an idiot. These people don't really like America, at least not that way it's trending.

It's a burn it down thing. It's not even that hidden it you look for it. You could call it The Bannon School, and Trump has been the useful idiot.

Richard said...

My ancestor, he didn't like Italians, but he would never accuse them of this bullshit.

Ten Bears said...

It's kinda' uncool, dates, but ... Irish, Italian, all look alike to me.

Everyone of those bozos that took selfies vandalizing the capitals, please note the plural, DC got all the attention but they stormed the Oregon and other capital buildings as well, will be visited by the FBI at some point in the near future. With the transmission to a new administration, one more traditionally 'law and order', the good old days are over.

I've written about this a couple of times, built out of my experience in Idaho and Montana twenty-five years ago, and again out on the High Desert where I long ago went to high school just a couple years ago: the wink wink nod nod 'oh they're just good old boys not doing any harm' only goes so far, eventually - and they always do - they will piss off the cops.

They've pissed off the cops.

Trump's Ukraine/Russia Delusions Do Not Go Unnoticed

  Ukraine: *exists* Ukrainians: literally just sleeping in their beds at 4 AM. Russia: invades, bombs,kills, destroys, rapes, lots, kidnaps...