Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Mind-Bogglingly Batshit

It's always so tempting to believe that the kinds of people who promote, oh, weird conspiracy theories about Chinese thermometers and Italian satellites are just cynical liars who could not possibly be as dumb as the stories they tell suggest. It must, it has to be, a grift. Surely, they are laying it on thick for the murkiest-minded of marks. And yet, I've had my doubts about Powell.  She seems to have genuinely believed the CIA Director engaged in a secret mission like some kind of far-fetched television show plot. 

But it gets dumber. She wanted to obtain a "letter of marque" to I guess to do her own mission? In case the US military was too damn chicken to do it. 

Yeah. And "the Kraken" was someone who Trump and his fan club listened to and took seriously. And this person, like Mike Lindell--the My Pillow guy, Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman and other odd characters, she seems badly broken. 

We live in the dumbest timeline.

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